KFC Memories Bucket prints up greasy memories (Tomorrow Daily 219)
KFC Memories Bucket prints up greasy memories (Tomorrow Daily 219)

KFC Memories Bucket prints up greasy memories (Tomorrow Daily 219)

On today's show, researchers make an augmented reality sandbox with real sand in it, a really really cool fiber that's going to be used in some amazing ways. And Kentucky Fried Chicken has some really weird tech for you. Yup! Yum. Tomorrow Daily! [MUSIC] Greetings, citizens of the Internet. Welcome to Tomorrow Daily, the best speed talk show in the known universe. I'm Ashley Esqueda, that's Khail Anonymous, and you're you. So, welcome to the show. Cool, you gave them an intro? I did, you're you. You're part of the show now. Congratulations. I hope you're ready to present your stories. We can't pay you though. I'm really sorry. They don't really They don't really pay us that- Pay us, yeah. No, well they pay us in french fries and hugs, but not actual money. You get hugs? I only get the french fries. Well producer Logan gives out hugs, so you gotta hit him up. Oh. Logan is that true? Yeah, you haven't collected in a while. Oh cool. Yeah. a whole back log. Oh my god, I know what I'm doing this weekend. Maybe you'll get a raise. Hugging Logan. All right guys, hit the headlines. [MUSIC] That was super awkward. No! [CROSSTALK] All right, all right. We got some good ones. We do! Let's talk about a super fiber, and it's not the kind you eat I know you're very health minded, Khail. This is a little bit different, but actually really exciting in terms of future tech. So this may be a, is that from last week? That's disgusting. Tea never goes bad. You didn't know that? You're so gross. Never goes bad, you can quote me on that. All right, so. This is not the kind of fiber you eat, as I mentioned. This is a fiber that was developed by the University of Texas at Dallas. And it is an electrically conducting fiber that can potentially be used for things like artificial muscles, exoskeletons, and morphing objects. So, watch. They're stretching out this fiber. They can stretch this fiber to 14 times it's original length without losing any resistance. And also, It conducts electricity so it actually increases its ability to conduct, which is amazing. So they were saying that the great thing about this is originally they thought this'll be great for things like artificial muscle Like, this is what we wanna develop it for. Okay, originally they wanted- Because it expands and contracts. You conduct electricity through it. So, you have, like, an electrical network that helps move these artificial muscles. Things like that. Which is great. Really, really awesome. But now, after testing it, they actually think they might be able to use it in a much wider variety of applications. And one of the examples there was flexible electronics. Oh, so like phones,>> Yea>> or watches>> Watches, I mean things that conduct electricity, smart bands things like that. So this could be a really- Great breakthrough, to be a really great development. I feel like that's the next step, right. So how it's done is it's made by wrapping carbon nanotubes around a rubber core, and they were saying that this rubber core is actually pretty easily accessible, it's inexpensive, it's not terribly expensive to make. The only part of it that the entire process that is a little bit expensive is that they have a little layer of aerogel in there. It took. They have different layers so the base part of the fiber is this. this rubber core with all these carbon nanotubes and then if they add to it they have like these different layers of stuff that help bolster it so one of the aerogel. Which is pretty expense.- So its going to be expensive.- Well no if you don't have aerogel you can have the base part of it which is that rubber core which is inexpensive, easily accessible they were saying that this Is literally able to very rapidly commercialized if people chose to. So you could really put something like into production for a product relatively quickly. Right. Which is kind of impressive. Honestly, I want a superhero suit made out of this. Like Elastigirl, yeah. It's a super Super Suit. Where's my Super Suit? [CROSSTALK] No I mean that'd be pretty good for something like if they needed to gauge someone's heart, if you're in the hospital and you need to wear some vest. Even the idea of Of flexible muscles. Artificial flexing muscles and something. I was more excited about that. Pretty impressive. Yeah it can be like Day sx human revolution. Yeah. And be like you know super robotics instead of your like if your arm is lousy. Right. You couldn't lousy medical term. You can kind of replace it. exoskeleton. Yes. That was one of the big things they talked about. Actually having these sort of artificial muscles assist and be very flexible and easy to move. As opposed to rewalk has that robotic exoskeleton. It's very big and kind of bulky and you have to attach it to the outside of your hips. Yeah. I'm sorry I jumped to cell phones and watches, that doesn't even make that much sense. Yeah, helping disable people first. I'm just excited, I'm like [INAUDIBLE] let's get all these stupid tech- Speaking of stupid tech.>> Yeah, I love when you give me these stories because, this is just, what, what is going on? Because KFC has just announced a new technology that is going to be worked into their bucket. Their buckets, okay? Let's just show it. Check out this new tech that they have based on their buckets. Get excited. This is a real thing. This is a bucket that prints out pictures. It's called the memory bucket. Basically you buy a bucket of chicken, and then you set up your smart phone. You take You take pictures and then you're able to send it over like Bluetooth or WiFi or whatever and then the bucket will print out pictures of you and your friends getting your greasy little mouths and mess this up like that or something. Look at that. That is so disgusting. Look at that, it's the thing you haven't been asking for. It's a thing you never would have thought of asking for your whole life because it seems real dumb. So basically, it's just a built in photo printer. [LAUGH] Now this is all based around, get ready cuz this is ready to make less sense. This is to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of KFC in Canada. I mean, you know, listen, I'm not Canadian and neither are you, so maybe we don't understand how important Kentucky Fried Chicken and the colonel are to the people of Canada. We don't know. Maybe the colonel is like, I don't know, like a second figurehead, like a chicken royalty to Canadians. if you're Canadian, tell us in the comments how you feel about the Colonel from KFC. But yeah, it's really dumb. Anyway, we've seen this before, they, KFC did this weird promotion where they gave you a bluetooth keyboard, you know when you order like a Tray and there's always like a little piece of paper [UNKNOWN] they had a Bluetooth keyboard so you could work while you're eating your KFC. Again, another grease factor is involved here and people kept them, so and the other thing is, there's been a lot of fast food joints and companies making this This promotional kind of stuff. Yeah. Like there's that hoverboard that's supposed to be coming out soon, which I still think is stupid. Like they said, video next week. I know. But I- Or this week. I'm so tired of them hyping it up- I know. And getting attention for it. But let's just see the thing. But anyway KFC says that this is a real thing. It's not fake, it's not a promotion. I mean, it's a promotion, but you're gonna be able to get, I'm sure there's gonna be limited ones. Yeah. But regardless, people will be getting them. I want one. So yeah, it's called the Memory Bucket. Yeah, I remember how much. Hopefully we can go. ONe. awful, how awful I felt after I ate an entire bucket of chicken just to be able to get a photo printer and it looks like a chicken bucket. ..So we have a hashtag of the day based around this. I love these stories. [LAUGH] I love these, so we wanna know #TDBUCKET, come up with a better fried chicken bucket tag. Like what's an even, they got a A printer- Put in the- On there. Fried chicken bucket. So, what is yours? How about a calorie counter. Sort of, like- Kinda like a little scale. [LAUGH] Plug it into your blood. And then- Cholesterol measurer. Yeah. Yikes. I would say I would want a soft dispenser. So, like, inside the bottom of the bucket. You get, like, three options. You can press, like, ranch, barbecue, honey mustard. You just press it and then it, like, covers- That's actually a really good idea. The weird thing is that you'd get all of them, no matter what. All at the same time. They're all there. They're already all there, so you may be wasting. I do like to dip chicken tenders in both ranch and barbecue. That's a good one. It's pretty tasty. I'm gonna go ahead and change mine and say that I would have a heated bucket. [CROSSTALK] I like that, yeah, okay. [CROSSTALK] Again, this is a cool thing. You guys are better at thinking outside the box, like maybe you're strobes or something. I dunno, come up with something crazy. I like the idea of having a Tesla machine like Zap the chicken and keep it crispy, so there you go. Oh, that's pretty good. Just like fire it up with AC electricity. We're thinking about the food, but we want you guys to come up with something crazy. Like maybe it's part drone and it comes to you, I don't know. Flies to you, I like that idea. I don't know. Tell us. You just stole somebody's great idea. I just want you to know. Someone right now is watching the show going, Kale why? Why did you take my idea? They're really upset. Alright, last thing, let's talk about A-R Sandbox This is really cool. We saw something similar for kids-like museum, but this is a little bit different. It's meant for education of a university student. This was developed by UC Davis and UCLA together jointly, and they made a really neat sandbox that's real sand that they're pushing around, and it changes the topography Of what's going on with augmented reality. So it uses a Kinect, projector, sand in the box. Like all this stuff. And what they do is. So the idea is that topography maps are made for people to get elevation data very quickly through all of the lines. But they're 2D, so it can be really hard to visualize exactly sort of what you're looking at. I've looked at. Hiking match and I'm just like " I don't know what's happening here." But I'm not a seasoned hiker. So, UC Davis and UCLA said " Ok, let's make this AR sandbox, let's put sand in there, students can make valleys, they can make exploding volcano's, they can make, you know, beautiful hills. Like all this different stuff. And then, they can actually hold their hands over the top of what's going on in the sandbox to artificially create rain. Like, their hands are the clouds. Oh, that's neat. And, so rain. He watched. So, you can see that water is falling down into the different pools inside the actual AR sandbox, which is pretty amazing. So, it gives students an idea of how erosion works. It gives them an idea of how rain water effects the land in different ways. And also, the real goal here is, the university said, they want to, hopefully, help students develop the ability to sort of visualize these topographical features. Out in the field. So when they don't have access to this, they can remember using this and say, okay, I remember seeing this effect in the sandbox. So now that I'm out in the field, looking at this actual piece of geography, I can say, okay, well this topography is different and here's how it might have eroded over time. Because of the simulation that I saw in the sandbox. I was gonna say UCLA. You seem to be a little late on this one. Because, I don't know if you remember. Look, [UNKNOWN] on my camera. Yeah, that was the kids thing, right? Well, not only did Japan do it. But, even before that, Disney did this. Right. And they had it on their cruise ships just for kids to play with. This is a- It sounds like they- Little more advanced. It sounds like the huge difference here, which none of these had, is the cloud. also the erosion factor. Right. It's not just, because you can also on the Disney one, create a volcano and see how that lava comes out. This one sounds like the erosion is part of it, the rain is part of it. Well you can also see in the video the topography lines. Yeah. So you can actually do scientific measurements and experiments with this one as opposed to the one that's just for kids for fun. Mhm. So they basically took an idea that's out there and said 'let's try to find a way to make this educational for college students as well as Children so it's children it's a really fun thing to just see how the land changes but then for these topography students it's like okay we're gonna equip you with the ability to use this device and then go out in the field and say okay I saw this simulation. This is how I'm guessing this piece of land eroded. I'm just saying that UCLA you've got that college money. Oh delight. Maybe keep up with Keep up with Disney in Japan. No one could keep up with Japan. On that note. No but it's cool. I want to play with that. All right guys we're gonna take a quick break. We're gonna come right back with back it or hack it. It's a food based back it or hack it this week. I don't know if you're gonna like it at all, but. Spiders what? Yeah, they actually just eat spiders. That's the back it or hack it; and of course we have your user feedback and our [UNKNOWN] for the day so don't look away, it's tomorrow daily. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show everybody. [LAUGH] That is gonna make you so sick. It's Monday, and that means we like to talk about crowdfunding. And whether or not we want to give our money to people so it is now time to Back It or Hack It. Alright, call when I give you a name of something and tell me if you think it's something you would buy just based on a name. The Imperial Purificator. Oh yeah. You into it? Oh yeah. Cal's already got his wad out. Okay, good. [CROSSTALK] doesn't happen to me So have you heard of molecular gastronomy? Like super high end cuisine, kind of weird experimental stuff. Yeah, I think we've talked about something like that Yeah, molecular gastronomy, okay. So there's an idea in molecular gastronomy, it's like pearlizing foods So they make little pearls of stuff that look like caviar, but they're flavored very differently. And it kind of a little bit of a process, use alginate, like it's a big thing. But, but, this is the imperial spherificator. It's a little hand-held device that makes any food you can liquefy into little, tiny, edible pearls that you can put onto you food. So, you can make creative, cool culinary ideas. So, the video shows off a whole bunch of different types of food. It look like caviar, fish eggs, roe, whatever, But it's not. See, this is the way you would normally do it. You would have this Algona and you have these little syringes, this big whole thing. This now is saying to make it easy, quick, and painless. They're saying it's very easy to use. They say that It's easy to clean. And the video shows different flavors, like onion, vinegar, mint, tomato, coffee. Like they did a coffee, a little coffee caviar almost, on a dessert. And then you get these little like bursts of coffee as you eat your dessert. So, pretty amazing. So you blend whatever it is that you want to make, that you want to liquefy, that you want to turn into caviar. You got to wait for all the air bubbles to leave. So this is the one without all the air bubbles, they let it sit for awhile. And then you dump the liquid into this spherificator. That's alginate, they're adding alginate, that's what you got to do all the alginate so that makes the outside the shell. Of the little fierce. So, you mix the alginate, you put in your stuff. And then, when you use the sphereificator, it puts just the right amount of liquid down into the alginate bowl. And then you sift it out. So, yeah, there you go. See, it drops this. [SOUND] And then, as you drop them in. It makes a little dot and then you pull up the strainer and there there they are right there. [CROSSTALK] Rinse them off with water and then that's it. You're done. You can put them on your food. Pretty amazing. Okay, tell me why I wouldn't like this. Well I thought you'd be really weirded out by it, if I'm being honest. I thought you'd be really weirded out. I love the delightful, you don't have to have a big chunk of onion, it's kind of like this, Yeah, cuz these little bites of, pops of onion. It's a fancier, like it's a very Kind of cool, futuristic way to season something. I really like this. Do you really like it? Okay. Again, I don't like the texture of that kind of thing. I don't even like Dip 'N Dots, if you even know what those are. I don't like that. That's stupid. That's the ice cream of the future. From 90. From 90. But it's stupid, but this is cool. I like that it's sort of subtle because some people don't like the texture of certain things. Sure. Maybe onions when you bite into it, it's too much. It gets stuck in-between your teeth or whatever. But this is cool. [INAUDIBLE] because I don't like tomatoes. Tabasco, you mean like Tabasco, hot sauce hot sauce caviar. Sounds great. Then it's like you bit them and they pop. Like it's a little pop and you guy a big mouth full of spice. Okay, alright. Let's get to the nitty gritty. Let's get to the nitty gritty. They want 61,000 dollars, they are very close to their goal. If not, they may have surpassed it at this At this point they were pretty close this morning. They deliver this year in November so you can get it in time for Christmas. Okay. If you're thinking about buying it for a culinary loving friend or loved one The retail price of this, how much do you think? Does it come with the packs of whatever? I think it is a kit, the first shipping comes with a kit of Algenic and then you get this Spherificator and then you get. 250. 250. Retail 175. So less than you actually thought. But, they have three early birds. The first two are already sold out, they had a $100 level which I totally would've backed. [NOISE] That would've! I totally would've bought it for 100 bucks. We missed it. We totally missed it. It's got less than 20 days left. Then they had a 125 Volvo, that also sold out. Now, I think there might be a few left at $150. I wouldn't pay 200. So, 175 though, not bad. All things considered, if you wanted to do something cool with your food like, it seems like a fun thing. But it also seems to me like the kind of Products like, the kind of product you buy like you go to Bed, Bath, And Beyond. And you're like oh my gosh this looks amazing. I have to have this thing for my kitchen. It's going to do this one thing in the kitchen and then you literally use it like twice a year. Yeah. It's like people who get excited about the Magic Bullet. You know that infomercial. Yeah. Yeah. And they're like oh I'm going to Magic Bullet everything. And then you Magic Bullet for like a week and then your like eh. Like two things. Because this adds a lot to prep time. Right. It's basically you'd use it for company. Special occasion. And then you'd use it once or twice. Christmas. Holidays. I can't believe what you're saying. That's why I say I wouldn't pay $200.00 for it. But man I would of paid 100. If you own a restaurant, this would be super cool And it'd be expensive And you could put yourself on the map. Yeah. Well now I mean like a lot of molecular astronomy Chefs who have perfected this. Wylie Dufrain is really famous for this sort of idea. He had a restaurant called WD-40 in New York, and I love chefs. I like food. And, if you couldn't tell. Oh, come on. So, he has this restaurant and really He was one of the people who sort of revolutionized the idea of molecular gastronomy and doing sorts of crazy things with food, like making ice cream with [BLANK_AUDIO] liquid nitrogen, and doing food like that or different types of techniques. That weren't used in the kitchen previously. That are very kind of futuristic looking, things like that. That was one of his things, and this was one of them was like caviar, or pearlizing food. So it's been around for a while in a lot of really high end restaurants that you might see this technique But they're trying to bring it into casual home use, which is pretty cool. So there you go. The Imperial Spherificator. Great name by the way. Whatever, back it. Yeah, sure. I back it. I say, "Yeah, why not?" It's like a "Yeah, sure, why not?" It should be fun. Again, I'd love to see it in a restaurant. My friend had [UNKNOWN] Aw, cool, and then I would never want him to do it again. Never see it again, yeah. What about you, Logan? [UNKNOWN] See. I do it with alcohol. Everyone has a light- Alcohol. You could do it. Like alcohol dipping dots, could I make those, could I figure that out? If you put Like little tabasco balls in your Bloody Mary. That's cool. That'd be very cool, yeah. All right guys, lets shift gears, lets stop talking about crowdfunding, and lets talk about you. It's time for our user feedback. [MUSIC] So we asked you guys to use the hashtag #TDPrimGear And tell us how exactly you would differentiate Amazon's version of Top Gear, which it won't be named that, versus BBC's version of Top Gear, which their now trying to sort of reboot with new hosts. You guys have some good answers, and a couple that I expected, but Tilly wrote in and said, I don't think they can actually. Amazon knows the talent they've bought and the people who'll be watching. So I think that's a good point. That really is a good point. How much can they differentiate without turning off the original viewer base of Top Gear? However, I'm sure that their ideas that the, the hosts and creators had that they couldn't do. Good point. Because the BBC might have been limited or maybe the formula worked That Amazon's more willing to keep open minded, but Tilly's absolutely right. You don't want your audience to come there expecting that one thing. They're like, 'Finally, it's back,' and it's something different. Yeah, yeah. 'You moved my cheese,' you know, so Good point. Really good point. Raj wrote in and said they can be as racist and sexist as they want now. [NOISE] Too hot for tv. That's a sick burn. Yeah I like it. Jeremy Clarkson's gonna need some cream for that. He gets to punch every guest. Every, he just gets to punch everybody now. In his contract.>> Coming up next we have Huge Heffner.>> He just punches everyone. Ocular Nervosa wrote in and said "is it bad that I hope it's just like Top Gear?" Most of the answer, don't change it, it's the same. Lastly ramses wrote in and said "i hope they dont" don't change, if it any broke don't fix it. Keep doing the same great stuff. It really is a great show. Just keep doing the great stuff, and if you can find ways to make it interesting or different like you were talking about last week, like then do those things. But if not, don't try to fix it. It ain't broke. Nothing's broken, just let it be. Yeah. But I had the same feelings, and I'm not disagreeing with you But usually means I disagree with you. Mm-hm. Mine is kind of like a devil's advocate. I'm a huge Fallout fan, in case I haven't translated that out to you. And when people ask me what I'd want to change from Fallout 3 to Fallout 4. By the way it's a video game. It's open world. [INAUDIBLE] Anyway. So, they said, what would you wanna change and I said, nothing. Just make another version of Fallout. But they've added all this great stuff [CROSSTALK] that I didn't even know that I wanted. Yeah. And I'm very excited to spend even more time in that world. So, we don't know. Yeah. But I totally get not wanting to change anything. All we can do is trust That team and their executive producer, who all came from Top Gear, to make a show that is as good if not better than what came before. Yeah. I think we can trust them. I feel like we can trust them. I think Amazon is not dumb. And I think they know that they need to give the fans exactly what they want but also go up above and beyond just like you were saying with fallout And give them things they didn't even know they wanted. So I think if they can do that then they're in a really good spot. I'd love for them to get more people excited about the show. Not that there isn't enough cuz there's tons. Yeah. Everybody loves the show. Oh, I'm sure there'll be a big ramp up. Yeah. I would love to see some. Again, never bored by watching the show. But who knows? Who knows? Good point. Very, very. Really salient point. All right, guys. It is time for our last big user feedback, which is always our phonetographer of the day. [MUSIC] Tom wrote in. This better not be a You know, its the worst really. What a dump. So hey guys, huge fan of your show from New Zealand. These photos were taken at Lake Coleridge and Mount Hutt just at a Christ church. And you know what? Honestly guys. I'm a little jealous. I feel like I only live in a place with great sunset. Like that's all I really get in southern California. Amazing sunset. That's the thing I feel like we're famous for photographically. If you go on Instagram it's like, oh so beautiful, another beautiful California sunset. We get that a lot. Yeah, we're never like, look at this beautiful smog! We never see this, we don't see this. This never happens. Maybe you go to Mammoth you might see something like that, but I have never seen a photo like this in all my days. I've never seen anything like this in person in my life. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. And that's a lot of your pictures. There are things that you send in that I'm just like, I have never seen that in my life. I've never seen that in person with my own two eyes. Los Angeles isn't known for any sort of nature type thing. Really good street photography, I will say that. There's some really good strong,beautiful street photography in LA. Which isn't for everyone. Not for everybody. I mean... If you are into landscapes and such, you have to go out to the desert. It's like.... don't get me wrong, our deserts rock. unbelievable. Our mountains rock. But they are so far from where we live. At least an hour. We are just trying to explain our jealousy and why we like your photos. We like them. So that, that was incredible like you said that out of jealousy. Super good. Yeah. You said that out of like just being completely impressed by it. I've never seen anything like that and I don't know if I will, in my whole life. We're also glad that you have an eye for it. I like how we're unloading. All this stuff that we've felt for a long time. But we're glad that you guys have an eye for it. Showing off such cool things, like maybe not everybody gets to see. No. Which is why this segment is so awesome. Yeah. That is the Soapbox of We'll get down off our Soapbox. If you want to send in your Phonetography you can always e-mail it to us tomorrow@cnet.com. Tell us what phone you took it with, tell us where you took it All that good stuff. If you wanna find us on social media, you can find the show @TomorrowDaily, or tomorrowdaily.com. If you wanna share it with somebody, that would be awesome. And if you wanna find us on social media, because we're the best ever, you can find me at @AshleyEsqueda on Twitter. And I'm Matt Kelemen. Logan, what do you think is gorgeous in LA? [BLANK_AUDIO] [UNKNOWN] He should have said his girlfriend, but- Well, I was gonna say we may not have those beautiful views, but everyone here is gorgeous. We have some of the most- People are really pretty here. It's so, it's such a mind- They're terrible people. Oh yeah, no, they're empty inside. They're really pretty. They're empty inside, but the outside shell [INAUDIBLE] is aces. It's beautiful [INAUDIBLE] but that's about it. Anyway, Anyway, on that note, that is it for today's show. We'll be back tomorrow with a brand new [INAUDIBLE] science fiction blowing up in your face. Until then that at [UNKNOWN], we'll see you guys next time. We're [UNKNOWN] inside. [MUSIC]

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