GameSpot's The Lobby: Fallout 4 - Why we love base building
GameSpot's The Lobby: Fallout 4 - Why we love base building

GameSpot's The Lobby: Fallout 4 - Why we love base building

Gaming Hardware
[MUSIC] Anyway we're here to talk about Fallout 4 and as it happens I spent a couple of hours last night, I needed like some time away from the Wasteland so I went back to Sanctuary and I started just doing up my house. I made like a locker for my clothes and for my weapons and for my bobble head holder which has only got like two bobble heads in it out of like 30 holders. And it was nice and relaxing, and both of you guys have kind of been putting a lot of time into getting into base as well. Yes, I have renamed the game Fallout 4 happy home designer. I have this problem where I ruin open world games, so this time I got really into settlement building and I'm still early in the game because I didn't get mine early. I got my [UNKNOWN] version on Friday. Cool. So I only had a few days to play before I flew up here. But I finished the first part of the original. Main storyline quest where you meet Preston and– Kill your death claw. Yeah kill your death claw gotta get your death claw and then you get back up to Sanctuary then I started transferring everything because I just planted everything at rocket as opposed to Sanctuary so I was like ugh now I gotta drag everything home. You gotta pick your home. Now listen, dog meat, you're gonna be carrying a lot of stuff. So, I loaded up dog meat and I came back to the sanctuary, and then I got to work. And now, everyone's got nice bed, I've taken down a bunch of houses and stuff. But honestly, like it's a really interesting, I find that seldom building anything is interesting in Fallout. Yeah, when we first got our hands on it a couple of weeks ago, Erin, you decided to put together sort of a base building guide. And for a while there we're kinda just trying to figure out, like what is this for exactly? It took a while, I think I started getting a grasp of what the base building's higher purpose is. It took about a week and a half of actually base building and actually looking though the guide. And to be honest, it's one of those features where it's a lot of fun and you can level up and waste a lot of time But it's totally optional. It mostly has to do with the high level crafting in the game and having places to put your cool crafting stations so you can, you know, build a garden and then have a spit and roast up, some stuff to make guns, the adhesives, and or use the chemistry station to make oil, so It seems like at the higher level, the bases are for fun, and they're for higher level crafting. Yeah. That's like hailing your rads. That was the big thing that I find myself going back for, making sure I had purified water- Of course- Get back there and get your. Like being able to, instead of using rattaway, which is a little bit rare, to me, so far it's been a little bit rarer than in previous [INAUDIBLE] games. So I really like that, you can just Go back and heal up, and kind of take a break. I think the cooking stuff, which [UNKNOWN] out of New Vegas and has definitely been explored a lot in this, is really good as well. Yeah, so helpful. Cuz when you're adding making steaks out of death claws, and mole rats and everything, they heal you almost as much as stims. As long as you're not playing survival mode, you can really count on those. And get your health up. And if you cook it, you don't take the radiation hit, which is really nice. Yeah, which is a massive iguana on a stick. Like before you'd take it but it was like limiting. Well in this one, it limits your maximum health. Right. There's also some weapons later in the game like the syringer where you have to craft all the ammo for it. Right. So yeah. I just got it's pretty crazy. it's funny too. When you build a nice space you should start everyday in the wasteland by taking a nice nap. If you take an 8 hour nap particularly if you have a romantic partner there you get an XP boost it's like 10% Oh wow. I don't how long it is when you go out in the wasteland. How long is it. It's like an hour? Yeah. 45 minutes hour something like that? The thing I've been doing as well I don't know like in previous games the worlds of you know Capital Wasteland and New Vegas and stuff like are always so like scary and intimidating and awful. And after a mission you kind of go back to somebody and sell the stuff you don't need. And you feel a little bit more like safe when you're in a like a hub town. Where as what I'm doing in this now is I'm finding sanctuary in sanctuary. I'm going out into the world and I'm collecting more stuff that I usually just sell, and just kind of bringing it home and storing it. I do that in Fallout three, that's how I ruined Fallout three, so I got to the very first area of homes before you even get the [UNKNOWN] I found the lady, the first lady and me, where she's like real twitchy and jumpy, and I was just like, I don't like this lady, so I killed her [LAUGH] And then I took over her house. And then I ended up just, I was well I'm gonna clean up the apocalypse and so I just took every, when I got to the Supermart that was a real problem. Oh no. That was a a real problem for me. That's like your OCD. It was like four days to clean out. Yeah, I was just It's so much like that where all I wanted to do was pick up every bit of garbage, and not it's even better because now I can scavenge and break down stuff for crafting. So it's like, oh this house, this ruined house, well I'm gonna scrap this. XA, XA, XA- Oh man I love scrapping, it's great. And fill your room with cat posters, so you feel [CROSSTALK] Yeah exactly. I know, and those heads I've not got in the sitting room. And then yesterday I was putting up some lighting in my, cause I've gone back to my house, like the house my character had before. Your OG house, yeah. I put up a light, I leveled up to 20 because I put up like a rotating fan, and I've been doing so much of that stuff over the like previous hours I've leveled up. What were you saying, if you combine it with idiot savant, the like early [UNKNOWN] where the lesson tells you and you are the more likely you are to have a huge boost. And you start building you can get it to trigger fairly frequently? Yeah, like crafting, anything you do, like just random xp just happens, it's pretty great. So, but you have to have a little more low intelligence As for me, I preferred a little bit more. I want to start a second save game; I want to play it very differently twice. Of course, I'll be dead before that happened, before I finished two games of Fallout 4. Apparently, yesterday I spent like a good 20 minutes thinking I hadn't drunk any Nuclear Cola, because in the previous game remember in the previous game it was like, is it [UNKNOWN] Oblivion and Skyrim was that stuff you collected. There's always a quest about like, collect 10 of this, and sell it to this vendor for loads of money. There was one in, I think, Fallout 3, or maybe it was Down Under Vegas [INAUDIBLE] quantum, and there was not a person where like giving them [INAUDIBLE] was always beneficial. So, I never. I've like been trained never to drink it. So, I put them all in my fridge for like to do so meant Picking them up in the game and then trying to get them in. But apparently if you're in builder mode, they straight up just stand. Oh. Cool. Yeah. Like, they stand up on their own. Yeah. So, that's a pro tip. I found out that you can actually, like, I went around in this, like, again, guys I have a real gaming problem. I spent like three hours on Sunday night just walking around fixing fences. Oh yeah. Making sure. LIke oh man these fences I got to fix them. I don't like look at them. They're some of the fences are down some of them are up. So then if you're in builder mode they all snap together really nicely. Doors snap in really good as well. Everything snaps in really great, and I'm like, aw this is gonna be good. Yeah, don't want no broken window theory in Sanctuary. As long as you star with a foundation block. That's the one trick, it's like, you cannot build on hills very well unless you put in the foundation concrete blocks, and they will level your base out. Tell me a little bit about the advance defense stuff, because I know you did you've dipped into that Aaron. So defenses are kind of funny. I put a lot of defenses up initially and then my bases never got attacked. Yeah I couldn't figure out what was happening. It says that, if you read through the guide, it says that the higher your defense rating, the less likely you are to be attacked. Right. So you may never be attacked if your defense rating is really high. [LAUGH] Interesting. And also, I haven't seen people wander into the confines of the bases. So I think they'll only start attacking small settlements or settlements that you've built to the outskirts of. Right. And they'll ag grow on things they can see. On the edges of town. On the edge. Right. So my impression of that was you just put up a couple of defenses. As long as you're rating is as high as your population or higher. Not likely it will ever happen. Did you put in some of that crazy stuff with the terminals and lasers? Yeah, so at high level there's some fun stuff you got to get some of the perks going but so in order to do an advance trap. You have to build a laser trip wire you hook. hook that up to like a flame thrower, and then all that has to be hooked up to power and terminal. Okay. And you tell the terminal, don't kill people I love. [LAUGH] People would just walk through the front door [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGH] You gotta make sure the flames are get turned on. Yeah. But again, like, nobody's attacked my base really. So, I don't It's kind of a bummer. Yeah. Like because people really build up those defenses. They're hoping people come attack them. Right? Like, that's the thing you want. You're like, oh, man, I wanna see all these crazy Home Alone traps. Go off where when the raiders come, and then like they just never show up and it's such a bummer. Maybe like that. You have to do it home alone style, like build a really weak base. Yeah. With like one person and a brahmin and then like. [LAUGH] And then blow it up with defense then. Just to see what happens. that seems like it would be really fun Come back and collect the corpses. I'd say, maybe we can pull a Walking Dead and like, kite a bunch of raiders all the way to the base. Perfect.>> Like, maybe if you kite stuff. Maybe you could test it out. And lastly guys, obviously you put so much time into your various bases. What is the favorite thing you've got in your base right now? What is your pride and joy in your base? Aaron Sampson, why don't you. My pride and joy. You know, it was just building high. Like, I'm still going. Okay. I got to about four stories, and I thought that was the limit. But then I was reading through the guide, and I saw a lighthouse with, like, it was. Oh, right. Somebody put, they had, like, a six or seven or eight story structure. So my goal right now is just to build a medieval tower. As high as possible. I haven't done it yet, but it's gonna happen. [CROSSTALK] Looks really nice. Is that what you built? Yeah. It won't fall over if it's not properly buttressed or something. [LAUGH] Who needs physics? Ridiculous. What about yourself [UNKNOWN] For me, I It's early so I feel like I'm gonna have new favorites, cuz I'm early in. But I think for right now I, is it really dumb if I say I'm really impressed with my sensory building skills? No, that's all right. I really like having nice organized stuff, so it's been great to actually Reorganize all of the different yards, like I said [CROSSTALK] Everyone watching this is probably like this broad needs a straitjacket. [LAUGH] Like find her one in the wasteland. But yeah, I'm really proud of the fact that really, really early I was able to build out the What is it, the signal that brings in people? Oh yeah, signal beacons. Yeah. Signal beacons where people can come in and stop, and I think my favorite thing of settlement building, actually, is the really nice questline that I've been doing with Preston. I've been going out to the other Settlements has been really good. Yeah, it's enjoyable. That's good. Well I'm happy with my little trunk full of [UNKNOWN] the Barbarian. All my magazines and stuff, just hid right there. I'm waiting for someone to steal it. In your fridge in Nuka-Cola. In my fridge in Nuka-Cola, but I have to organize that. Did you write your name on it by the way? What? Cuz You can write your name on? No, I mean like. I'm just saying the settlers might see it [INAUDIBLE] They keep walking in. Yeah. They keep going into [INAUDIBLE] and was like [INAUDIBLE] or someone's sitting down and I'm like. Get the **** outta here. Supposedly, they can pick stuff up if you just leave stuff. Oh, really? Yeah, they can take stuff. Yeah. So, be careful. All right. I love that game [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] man. Yeah, private defense systems. Flamethrowers. Yeah, exactly. And then tell it to shoot anybody. [LAUGH] Especially. Anyone touching my coca cola, Erin actually thank you so much for coming on. Let us know what you think of the base building or if you've built a cooler base yourself. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, we will be back in a second folks.

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