Ep. 84: Android users' bathroom habits
Ep. 84: Android users' bathroom habits

Ep. 84: Android users' bathroom habits

Bring -- galaxy nexus is -- the new -- town do you really is -- phone in the bathroom. All that more in this week's edition of the. Welcome to enter an atlas weekly for February 1 2012 -- just like house alongside Antuan Goodwin. Remarked could be -- -- -- -- -- So let's get into it to you guys answer your phone of -- That actually -- passenger -- the year and interest. Essentially. And -- -- games and then and now. Do you use your front of the bathroom but you don't answer. Now I don't rated games -- monopoly -- director again -- let's have our -- straight year. Us citizen study is to a Ricardo don't just sit around talk -- we don't bathroom normally. -- And one of the reasons -- -- -- on the -- today in addition to it being caught in inching is that. More and -- users use their phones in the bathrooms and iPhone users or Blackberry users. Fact I -- was released at 77%. -- it's the most city's seven person. Which is funny at -- until well journalists. My ex -- to -- -- phone in the toilet all the time. It to mean anecdotally in the health ultimately that. Skewing more towards iPhone I think it was a some kind of a ritual early Google's display it was what -- whatever body of water was nearby at the -- Of the toilets or. A bird bath wherever you were looking for it would find its way into it. Really got really -- drying phones out with bags of rights. And do their work yet to work nights. And -- I think Franklin and how to -- it is an area of RS -- silica. -- silica packets that -- issues. Or like a bag of rice or dried beans there's previous and you put in -- is that like -- -- that that we tried -- -- did you can and you you can duplicate that overnight or just sent it directly into a bag of heart rate and. -- never turn it then because they all want those lists sensors -- yet it tells its ever touched water. So digging into salute more than the thing I like. I get using your phone bathroom sure. Primerica confirm or deny that. The number of -- -- his muted people who answer their phone in the bathroom did you see -- -- this was sort of shocking to -- -- curious yes. Protect -- can't finer and outlets hear it it was significantly higher. Than I thought hmmm so. Blackberry owners are most likely to answer their phones. In the bathrooms -- 5% -- a Blackberry owners. And excellence and visited the Blackberry like the businessman -- name in it and our suits. Exact answer emails and exit deals on the high totally picture that's exactly where -- won't matter that's. And I compared with 67% literate users and 60% of iPhone users. Now. Don't understand like under what circumstances do you have to be me I can understand. You're playing a little Angry Birds -- -- like reading a story. In the -- -- analysts and under what circumstance do you need to entry when call. All using the restroom what you have to be in -- long and you can't call them back in ten or fifteen minutes. Yeah don't get either unless I know that the system on call. From they're gonna hear the echo. Look -- all bathrooms echo you listen to who. Thirty minute major concession. If those people are doing the other for doing this show on the bathroom has been in a -- lake fall -- you've been in -- -- exactly but thought it. Via its -- so the other -- -- com. It -- is not surprising to me at all -- but. Who is this data texting texting is most popular phone related bass activity at 67%. 30% of surfed the Internet in the bathroom -- tweeting photos lawsuits. That answers the status reserved for congress and with -- I think there should actually be an app that automatically turns your phone's camera often you can do the math and does so that you not accidentally. As always feel weird about like the camera -- laptop and iPhone just because it's there and I'm just -- -- it may not be recording. But it's there and editors who is just like it's pointed right there it's a situation Big -- second such an idea. Like what if there is some sort of lake area -- -- app. It's like taking a picture every ten seconds and sending it -- some unknown server and when -- ran -- my situation. -- On. The let's talk about the dormant German court system. Is that. You know if you look cleaner they don't tolerate an event bass from -- neutrality -- listens Nam so there's been a lot of back and forth with Samsung and app. Full a them. Over sort of patent infringement -- keynotes and thanks to you mean that Apple's design. And -- will say anecdotally. When I -- Samsung. Galaxy nexus. They unpacked it and it looked at the power cores in the power -- the galaxy nexus or -- -- -- -- -- it's -- it's black but it is it is. Probably to the millimeter the exact same as the Apple. -- -- thing you man worsens and everything. I'm gonna help them sat -- if you -- if it was weight he couldn't code. The nose like our come on -- -- little creative in the latest patent -- Com anyway this story a court in Dusseldorf today. Upheld an earlier injunction request by Apple that basically. Banned the sale this -- and Galaxy Tab 101. Saying that it violated the German anti competitive statute. Com and that the -- tab. And and you may remember this has come up in a lot of countries. Thumb including Australia where there was around. Is the something preventing illegal. I don't know what they actually call -- secure -- call -- an injunction or something. Preventing the sale of the steps and Galaxy -- desire. But that expired in December and they're gonna go back to court in marked trend to slated for. For real so I think Germany currently is the only place where -- -- band Nam. That Apple you know I think has spent a lot of money instead of pursuing. Samsung in this matter and all sorts city you know we used to have a weekly segment of who's going to have to read this week found so nothing's new here but this was. You know from reading the Steve Jobs biography. When -- Israel's. Action projects where he just felt that -- -- really ripped. Off Apple and -- -- this out to spend any amount of money. It has talked to make that rate. And this is kind of leaders. Saga. Number story in that -- and he's on the chapters. Yeah he could have been changed yes -- -- don't make payment. It's been a timing -- that nice little cute square than someone just sold for me. Because magical. Death -- as it is these -- -- -- -- those stupid wall -- things that take up like five times. Where the MacBook charger. Retirement and now because I want assortment promising -- that -- go for Internet and intranet zone -- -- about it. Yeah did that but they do you have the option judges -- their power -- and art but there's a lot of standard power or is -- you take up -- Turn their right way -- -- the same time there also. All you SP charged so you can solve all those problems with the very cheap universal charger or just plugging into a computer. There windows has to do with the stories that a lot of humans are ordered. Talking about the end of the galaxy -- rate and it it's banned in Germany. Hmmm we'll see if that at all sort of live reads through the rest of a yes but the new first today assume that they -- their laws are more columns Germany. Yeah I would Germany does -- will benefit the years and an indicator. Roomful Germany -- Look NT EU finance -- who -- I've been reading that's good. I'm impressed actually have been listening. Elisa. -- many team as good. Hmmm let's move on you'll talk a little bit more about the EU actually this is kind of about says Spain mobile world congress. Keep it on the Samsung theme here of the -- rumors there was rumors last week that we talked about Samsung introduced in the galaxy S three. The latest rumors according to Scott Webster. -- sort of saying that maybe that's not gonna happen at Nam whatever this -- -- mobile world congress. But that possibly they're gonna release a new Galaxy Tab. Eleven point six inch tablet. Nam so a little bigger but also with a faster CPU. Though -- TT hurts. Dual core. CP US 1610 aspect ratio. Now and only slightly. Larger than the galaxy ten point one. Hmmm. But how big is too big for tablet thing. That I know and Steve and inches -- you'll need at that point. What when he carrying around a monitor via. You know them thinking you tenant seems to be like the sweet spot near -- when you're at eleven point six. You're getting to be a -- The size this rate here it's like you really wanna carry -- school -- but it's over there to more MacBook Air risk yet. Yet. And its Americans. It's like eleven inch MacBook correct error at this point -- -- so here's why tablets have to get bigger. One because phones are -- and tablet territory and about Signet realistic and greeted Simpson may need some room here so that's that's that's agreements the only reason because phones are getting bigger I -- -- -- just pick a size does that mean this. -- -- into another sigh I was -- -- -- to another issue that I have with with with with phones. And I know I knew that people etc. we're gonna go like I don't care about this but -- -- that I care about Catholic a lot of listeners do. -- a -- the reason there are a lot of -- -- -- -- In in the reason that they did that the Iowa something -- -- social for the iPhone kind of leads. And -- and accessories the reason the iPad leads in and accessories. You know if you're the kind of person who. I really like school boon docks or really likes this new speakers at work with your phone -- -- plug and play into. I've you're the kind of person that -- likes funny cases. It's because they picked a form factor -- stuck with it. Am and I'm thinking about this you know -- in the Galaxy Tab getting bigger -- rumors of -- the galaxy S three being bigger. And it's just you that kind of built all of this could well will around the galaxy S name. But then their about the completely. Rule waived any sort of like -- accessory and aftermarket support they pretty much garnered. -- -- Kind of I mean. I just lost one of these one of these and manufacturers to pick a form factor in -- stick with the -- generation to see what happens you know maybe just say. Four point two inches four point three it is is it is -- is we're gonna go on the screen and we found a form factor that -- like -- was gonna hang with this for a while so that. Somebody has time to develop. A -- that's not first party or somebody has time to develop. As speaker dock that you can just that your phone to our current anything like that. Normally -- areas are there people who are actually saying -- might happen is to smaller my phone is to his ball like when I -- this aren't super happy to galaxy nexus by the way. I was not happy with the size of this like. I would prefer a smaller phone -- and everyone I've ever met who has a on this guys like Andy -- it's a little too big Vietnam. You know I like. The feature is just the initial -- you know it's kind of like when you go by TV. And you walk into the store. And gas and you've got all the TVs on the wall -- the EU notes 65 inch. Monitors there it's got the brightness cranked up too much and -- just clues and -- your eyes and you're like oh that's the one that that draws my because it's the biggest one. Maybe it's not necessarily the one they'll fit in your living room. It's true. The Apple aren't saying there are people asking for it are -- asking for the bigger tablets and for the bigger phones are the manufactures was like let's just keep throwing different sizes out there until something sticks. Around I don't know I think I think it's kind of I have no clue I don't know how that works. If I had to venture a guess though I would think that. They're just basically scrambling for some. Some sort of actually to hold over both the iPhone and the other Android phones we have the biggest tablet yes it's really easy for it may be so this -- -- raiser where they're just like it's the thinnest phone. Sure we compromise battery life a bit but we have that we haven't actually -- -- -- -- we have the world's this. In that I feel like in it at the allied a lot of cases. They're just looking for that -- 80 we have bigger screen it's like look at how big our screen is compared to the competition. And they -- not really looking replica. -- -- whole world. In how happier people gonna be the device. Past that first week when you're just like hey guys we calibrate my phone -- what Leo would help how many pixels are crammed on here yet and. I think I agree with that and at the same time I also think they might be just trying to. To throw a bunch of devices out there just so people can can choose you know just -- really tout the fact that they actually have a selection. For people of excellence is a problem anymore and a prayer -- as opposed to you know Apple where. You you don't necessarily have a selection of different shaped devices and sizes and use a special and so -- It Narnia and end and -- over you know again I would venture that maybe it's they have their pros and cons to both ways of looking at that. But I don't think I've ever hurting -- -- like you know. Like I really want to buy a speaker dock for -- I have an iPhone but I'm not sure -- it'll work with this one. Is never really been an issue -- -- you maybe once every you know three or four years it -- a form factor dramatically but for the most part. The dock connector is the same place that it's always been. On Android phones as you never know where anything's gonna be like the you know that that the USB cable flip flops from top to bottom left or right. Between different generations of the same line of phones. Ended -- within the same manufacturer and if -- with a little frustrating. As far as. You know trying to any -- the -- the questions I get most often in car tech is like. You know how to like use my phone in the car and actually there's a better solution for that where -- is a mean -- the more restrictive solution for it but it's a one size fits all. I can give one -- and it helps everyone. Verses -- into the same question over and over again if -- -- fellow owners are seeing different Andrea Jones may or may not have an HDMI input and -- may not have. And in what is that the image. In HL. Mobile high definition -- yes. It and there's a lot going on and it it's confuse -- effort. We get into fragmentation topic -- -- -- -- -- women and we will be talking about that later in the show cystic Graham but let's move on to something. That just pisses you off this new stories pisses me off potentially. There are rumors. That mean who galaxy nexus is on the way. -- a galaxy nexus plus -- faster CPU and possibly an improved camera. Our -- but that's because I just bought this phone. You have -- -- the same problem that the Droid -- people exactly Droid RAZR there's RAZR -- yet. It's fine so retirements before this show -- If this phone came out -- wasn't called the galaxy. Nexus plus it was just like that it. But -- -- and our product -- -- so it's like a totally different phone verses like oh we just upgraded the phone that we just released. That. -- skeletons of bad market move. Eleven last year with the the -- nexus S and then. Couple weeks later nexus four G on sprint sorry guys who switched to T-Mobile to nexus that's great degree doesn't. I don't think it's a good move -- for anyone read -- I think. It's like if you look at the way Apple does that they -- much have about a year between things so. That if you need some amount of reasonable time sort of like be -- like I had a year views before my thing is totally obsolete. I I think calling it obsolete. Is being bit dramatic equipment are I have severe buyer remorse but -- -- I can understand -- and I think that. That is -- the core of where we differ here I -- in the since whereas. I think I would be happier if they would stick with form factor. I'm but I'm not necessarily sure that -- continuing to innovate is or is -- processor speed and capability. Is something. That bothers me -- I think. Bring on the -- -- you keep that keep the new devices coming but I mean if if for example that the nexus S plus came out and that galaxy nexus plus came -- and and in it just was like a wildly different design the volume. -- -- -- they had -- text on the bottom now instead of where it is now lower you know that the USB. You know connection flip -- -- their. It was destroy medically thicker. I think that would kind of that would that would be what made me angry more for more about a form factor hardware design standpoint but -- mean. A really a problem within. -- a little -- a faster processor and there. But I think that's also kind of par for the course with -- when any sort of technology -- you buy it. -- -- -- on the matter is this phone more expensive or is like what what's what's different about it. Well we don't know anything it is to be honest so this could be a sprint phone so maybe the Verizon one will status neighmond sprint will be faster -- T-Mobile and what do the end user to type those in it could be it it's the -- accidentally hit plus. At the end of typing something in the -- yeah but in others new specs for a potentially as well so we don't know anything I think. I hear your opinion -- I think that consumers in general feel a little. Pissed if especially if they -- it -- now and then. In a week or two weeks. Or a month. The new faster one for the same price comes out -- if you have a right. To be pissed if there's something dramatically wrong with your device and they come out with something that fixes -- dramatically wrong with the device in your -- kind of left -- for being an early adopters basically page -- beta test their. Right but if -- it's like yourself to work and -- advertisement if they can now what's one where the battery actually last to behold -- have -- An event like that right RAZR because exactly as intruders. Are at risk. But they didn't do a third of -- -- -- -- them after a year -- you battery that lasts long incidence. And a we'll see what happens literally know anything that you know it'll be interest team to -- argue about what it does. Serena take a quick break and we'll be back talk about fragmentation and continually look at the -- RAZR Max. Parents -- Satan and dealer to get pretty are. Angry over the next. Topic as well so before we get into that we're gonna take a break but -- -- a look asked. AS first look at the Droid -- RAZR -- with its massive battery life and a little talk about how in -- everywhere -- as -- as -- Madrid -- Cnet.com Wednesday were first look at the Motorola Kuwait -- -- to available on Verizon. Four to 999. This Android handset is a follow up to the original and very popular RAZR everything that made the first Droid -- it is here. One point two gigahertz dual core processor. A bigger four point three inch super amoled QHD resolution screen. Verizon four GL TE data and 32 gigabytes of memory. You get sixteen gig internal and sixteen gigabytes on a micro SD card. An eight megapixel main camera is able to capture ten -- Also you get an H -- out for -- -- HDTVs. As you might have guessed from its name the main improvement in Detroit RAZR Max is a much higher capacity battery. Motorola ups the battery in the Macs to 3300 midlands which is leaps and bounds beyond the 1780. -- lamp battery the first true grit came. One drawback though is that while the Droid RAZR Max as close of the same thickness as the original click RAZR. Motorola filled an extra space below the home found on the first device. More mass equals more weight making the RAZR Max slightly heavier at five point one ounces compared to four point five ounces from the original Droid -- Still Motorola claims the Droid RAZR Max serves up -- talk time over 21 hours and almost sixteen days of standby time. It'll probably take some time to run our battery tests so check back soon for our full review. I'm Brian Bennett at cnet.com and this has been a first look at that Motorola would freeze -- -- -- It's so we talk about the last week so we need to get too much into it that I still. Assert that if I had bought the RAZR and then a -- -- two later that came out. -- be may be it I mean the thing about the -- -- Macs and then and there are actually the relentless series of stories on on drills. Maybe after our show. About this where it can it came -- that. You know they spent all -- time developing the -- to be super thin and down an -- -- So -- debut the phone. And then the engineers started playing around with -- maybe a little bit more and just and have stumbled on the you know hey if we put a little bit thicker battery here. Blake followed still super ten. And now has -- -- one hour talk time. And then they show this to their their CEO he's like yeah letting me do this in the first place doing there's clearly some sort of like. You know again it's that it's a case of like you get so fixated on -- we're gonna -- the thinnest phone ever. -- we're gonna call the remembering the RAZR name back -- it's gonna be this and that and and -- you know it. And you completely just kind of forget. About the whole user experience yet intimate -- a phone that's better than the user -- opportunity for them to come out at Christmas time with. Namely you know not only is this phone -- -- thin is in the other phone on the market it's still pretty darn thin phone the -- -- But it also get like the longest battery life ever in -- you know you kind of missed an opportunity to sell to those people who you know maybe went and picked up. Of the galaxy nexus tab because they knew was that something new or particularly -- -- Read they're really into short battery life and it -- -- fit the bill of Italian people are just like you know I mean because I feel like. People like thin phones I don't think -- wind is actually like -- in their phones. On a coffee table or you know at a bar going like public health and must only as compared to yours is not really no one ever looks at the side of your phone -- when -- hand to them. -- you know chick doesn't feel so good in your pockets Hillary where you know skinny jeans still -- people like skinny jeans. Sanitation by the Droid -- and a Max I don't even -- the Max -- -- little -- -- -- -- one millimeter -- Nothing at all skinny jeans there was that you know. The -- the phone -- that's great but it's also really broad. And so it's still gonna like competitive team at the corners and a weird way don't ask on. Don't do what -- needed just to start -- And it seems I don't know I don't know what's going on there -- only to a -- if you're wearing skinny jeans you've probably. And probably least. Be honest if you're that -- the trains there and it you know you -- -- basically pour yourself and your pants in the morning. You're probably looking for a stylish device that hits three new it is the history -- -- catcher -- movements that in a way we like to do here. A for not dependence on we -- -- -- -- normally its iPhone owners. I would argue minister's answers to -- It's one thing that's different -- they say that but they don't as well they all -- the same. And a give you that they -- reason iphones before 2000 professor yet ballots and out before they were cool they -- have iPhone three g.s but it has had the program for it was content. They've gone back and are reversed India and get iPod -- -- -- phones take -- interpret them. All right let's talk about how messed up -- -- it is. Or how it isn't. So there's a study done. -- So space is -- cool the Olympics. -- and analytics firm for mobile devices. Looked at sort of their whole ecosystem ever -- running you know all maps tracking with their platform. And they say that -- -- -- fragmentation is not that bad 96%. Of devices. Are running either injury 2.3 or injury 2.2. Not bad. And then from screens has -- -- view their only five major phone screen. Sizes so that's a must deal with so what are all you developers complain about. And so I'll say you know yes on one hand that doesn't seem that bad but on the other hand there's a couple. Major caveats -- would add one pastries sandwiches came out so that's gonna blur -- whole ecosystem -- significantly. Com and then I think it's not just about screen -- as an Android version. But it's also about. You know what skins are running in sphere any moto blur -- running its TouchWiz U -- HTC sense here and -- -- while way I don't know what is called system. But there is one exactly what it's called. However obstacles yet it's a good name Nam news miss translated -- -- Is bad for users is best for developers is bad for customer -- heroic. Which gamers doing a tap that Japanese like those on your settings and click here -- -- go here if -- setting location is different -- called something different on one. Version of seeing greater one skinned version of a hundred and that make sort of learning the OS. Aren't yet have had the exact situation where -- in my mother and sister have Droid three's. And they called me asking you can't import -- contacts and I basically its stock injury they had Miller Blair. And I couldn't walk him through the process because the -- in the polar irony that's for a month. Of -- support. You know. Kind of standpoint there I don't think for app developers. That even matters I -- as long as -- that the core. A version of whatever injury -- -- is the same or you know the and then I don't think the apps -- into the public limit what apps you can put on your. No -- for app developers I think you know. Exam. -- -- OS stuff -- which insane is a little different there is potentially different UI mechanisms Durham. -- -- Buttons could look different that we talked about this before that Google is sort of asking people to standardize. Always support sort of core level buttons but they don't -- -- Right so -- you live your -- could look different or could just look bad. And certain. Phones. Plus it you know even supporting six different screen sizes is difficult compared to. Payments to. Well I -- and as I read an article. This week about how it's not necessarily the case. Because of the way that injury scales. Side -- its built -- to the OS that it's designed to scale and so that it's actually really. Easy if you do it right the first time. To develop an -- for multiple screen -- does it all happens automatically. As opposed to on IOS where. You know they basically have -- built in that double lot of IOS apps are built in such a way that. In based its -- button is so many pixels why not and so. We -- when they when they double the resolution for the retina display. -- he did he was like double the number. IOS has that built into it it's fine. And with Android you know they have like gas and -- unit of measure I'd like more -- percentage. And if you use the proper. The code for for for for you know designing your apps read it should scale just find it doesn't really matter what screen size you. I think it does to some extent if you're talking if you have like it mapped graphics and your application. And potentially sort of have to cut new versions Yan are every screen size and -- -- -- ads -- scale them. I mean aside from the screen size is and isn't a bigger issue for developers. The division of the of the alliance. -- it it was -- community. Com the you know I I think. It will be when -- -- have I have -- -- -- 50% and you have sort of standard two point -- on 50% that it. That. Think there's enough difference between his two operating systems a minute -- two version numbers are it's pretty big -- come that it could be arts sport those -- I think in general -- in multiple. Versions of an OS's. Is unavoidable whether it's IOS or whether it's windows. -- it. It is that these come out far more quickly is then -- do things -- Interesting when you start doing things like deleting hardware buttons -- that the galaxy. Nexus. At an end -- -- all ice cream sandwich devices hereafter not really requiring hardware when things get really interesting there. For developers and there is actually a bit of news this week. Where Google actually -- like sort of a memo that basically -- from here forward we're not supporting the menu button. That's kind of become a standard you know most -- devices have -- buttons across the bulk of her home back search and menu. And they're actually getting rid of the menu button going forward. In sort of basically giving developers a way to support that sort of action bars -- the to the bottom of the screen. Interest in yet it's not even always very nice -- -- it's now -- time which is a little disconcerting and there's Sony's been using it for slowing him always expected that. Is the -- need to press to get -- options. In and it again much like the -- -- the back button is you know sometimes -- the menu button doesn't always do what you think it's gonna do -- as it is I think. But isn't this gonna create more confusion where you know. Someone has an option button using that you get to settings you -- the menu button in some maps and some maps haven't buried under some. Menu within the app -- -- feel like it's -- -- be chaos anarchy. It's already chaos and anarchy and -- -- -- The the only way to -- -- -- out of chaos and or anarchy is probably to crack the legs and being -- probably get really confusing for the -- settle on something. That -- that. You know. That they like -- -- or Google recently released like a guide to all the developers for ice cream sandwich spread that that should probably help things along a little bit they yeah we talked about that last week it has that that just recommendations. Are you guys and we'd really like it if you did there. It to every or. -- are right let's talk about the app of the week. And I will have suspense and I haven't used this but I am pretty excited to give it -- -- Com it's called ring dimmer it is 99 cents. Com and it basically intelligently will set the volume of your -- so it you know when your phone rings it listens to the ambient noise around you today. The light or darkness -- -- in the science the Wright law Yuma that the ring should be triggered at or even vibrates a few com. -- -- -- -- -- And it's pretty quiet then you know maybe it is. As a little silent. It's raining in -- and noisy bars at that all the way to the top and hybrids at same time. So -- as intelligent. Ridder com and -- you can also record. Audio. To Nam. Says Joan ringer period -- Eric. The needs -- Green is pretty cool I think has a lot of people onto means forget that changed the volume or -- it to my raped her. Going to allow place and forget to turn it. You know the volume all the way up so -- -- -- in a club or something like that. Nam Eric this is is pretty cool ring dimmer. That is there a miserly car stereos. Like awhile back this enemy car stereos refuse stark one really fast on the -- no express your music out creative just that's an area via automatic volume control yet -- There -- -- next three and whenever. I wasn't driving and I reiterated -- to go up it look at -- speaking physical. You know who many -- has this being called. -- when it's called. But it basically. Automatically generate music based on what you're doing -- -- drive. So. -- start you can pick look at type of music like Disco and -- and idling -- -- UT ET CET and T and T and then you start driving you pick up speed. You about 3545 miles per hour his personal -- skull looked at an external U turns that it was like. The -- are making this music as you go down the road it's pretty awesome super fun. I.s are a little while definitely -- the -- -- -- put in an awesome -- that the public can't stop. As and it does the good part I'm sorry of some speeding because it would be my army of me but. Direct read and do a couple emails here in -- -- at cnet.com. First one is firm rich in lovely Cleveland. At a lesser screw has just wondering why do some maps please save them to SD card and others don't give you that option and I understand -- performance issues. While Lenovo -- -- -- the you know they know their apps that can force. -- -- -- current affair routes Nam that it is a wanna route and just -- -- love this show but does ship sent this election I think there's. A couple answers to this -- simple answer yet but. Is that -- of the simple way that you can -- that you can tell whether an app can be installed SD card or not is. If it is. Eight mission critical so something like -- fit CPU. That would. If the root -- it's not really good example but -- be able to install that SD card by default because it. And it is would -- demand. When you install it. Additionally apps that have widgets -- -- can't be installed the ST card because of thinking you Meltzer SD cards the computer you break the widget. And you have to take it home screen and put it back on and things to ski really weird there yes so if if that doesn't let you install to the ST card forcing it to -- -- the SP card's probably not a really good idea. -- there are some maps and just have not been updated like. Developers have to specifically allow that -- and it became. Allow you know wasn't even allowed by Android and bill a year ago -- appointment here and I don't know and when it happened so that it -- right so some maybe -- have an updated app. And sometimes -- like copy protected apps. Like you know app developers -- -- just not wanting you to have. To be able -- make their daddy -- a portable -- will not allow it. Now I think that was kind of the teeth that the notoriously Angry Birds wouldn't let you install to SD card when it first came out island when the in the -- -- it was first. Enabled and Ithaca is ruby rubio with me -- you know they wanted to kind of particular copyright that you want you putting your app on an SD card and taken it -- -- the -- Boehner. Then it isn't really that easy to do that -- and because it was a mission critical yet. I think that's it yeah that's true if Angry -- camera -- -- -- Aren't excellence from Hendrix who went right -- hasn't released Chrome for -- yet they have the photo OS and they have the browser. Making the -- become one shouldn't be that hard the only options right now or opera mobile on Firefox. Guy and often and the other one that is really get -- can't remember. Here was called Sarah bunch of browsers are there just aren't only -- -- what he's in his room. -- browser mistake of his -- it is not a fit easily on -- similar source but I don't think it's not officially Chrome its Chrome asked. Actually. As -- courtroom crying and doesn't know now it doesn't I don't actually think it's -- I think gene called any browser different rendering -- You don't think -- web kit based -- -- there will check on -- com but yet and -- school. It's there are other good choices. It's also probably because the Chrome team is separate from the injury eighteen separate from the TV you've -- -- battery. -- independently and doing her sort of thing that made this next -- -- for you rent and uses the area -- area that you read this. Thunderbolt TM though. New Android and also email -- -- and -- Bad not good at either. But I want to show and I -- and -- helped by -- CC federal and it is awful I have head. 31. And June 2 and October and a third and November each one. Unease when the software was awful. It failed on these own -- frozen canals in the music without being disconnected or watch video podcast and the -- -- with a nightmare. The customer service reps are great for the -- still crappy. My contracts up in the in the year I any suggestions. For a new phone would be appreciated. Carrier is Verizon. Are there any of the -- the should -- for an end of the year. Sixty caveat to speculate if you don't have entering -- don't search out and don't starts up. The stuff that's data up a week before you rated by -- on the data from potentially -- up a week past when your country. But yeah I mean it probably -- you could probably get rid of you're thunderbolt now. If you're on your third one wins and if they're 13 -- Amber's so it's both three month old plan that's right step you probably sell it on eBay and spine of the phone. At a price cost you some money but if it's worth it for you to basically spend the rest of the year with a phone that actually works. In May be. Some that you should look at. -- I haven't really experienced any of those like quarter. Of thunder it'll issues phone calls freezing. You know not -- and listen to music of -- never heard. A vote of either of those sort of solutions pests like the second or third software -- that -- -- -- so you might -- -- -- you've installed the updates. That are available for the thunderbolt. Immediately after you get your new device. But -- -- -- have been kind of average month interval like the week after again written have been running custom rom terrorists and so. And -- be too much help. Ina. On the the specific issues that you're having the F I would say either. -- that you have the V the software updates that are available for -- phone. And if you just can't live -- it don't keep paying your head against that wall like. So your phone on eBay or some sort of like the -- day be used -- Hardware site like what's the good when -- gagged as Elton cylinders element. You'd save a couple extra bucks that a cylinders on them by a better. So com thanks for an answer wanted to give an update on the previous question about Chrome. There was. 88 checking -- and do rules. Chromium. Which is these sort of open source project behind Chrome. Mum. Version control system -- in September of last year that. It is it says set build target environment for -- so I think they're. It appears that potentially they are working on Chrome or integrated. -- but no details about win New York -- when I first. -- at my Droid. For one I was under the impression that it was crude but it just didn't call it Chrome right now but -- -- could be mistaken in that and also thanks to include. Letter guy and chat room for remind me that fourth -- -- the sky fire. And -- that's on it which I can't easily without thinking about the transformer. -- let's jump to a voice mail from -- airing in Toronto. I garbage -- control are so like -- theirs but the Samsung built. This is the big talk in North America. It's being released in Canada and the united staged -- series apart -- the middle of February. Accurate being released on Valentine's Day or -- -- -- you can get it for your Valentine. -- Little The Big Talker bullet -- know what will it succeed because -- already tried it and it fail or -- a piece of job. Our price -- I think this is what's gonna make or break it it started Erin Barrett it was going to be 300 dollars on a three year contract. Seneca -- to -- you later. Now there has got it at all -- -- 199. With a three year contract. So pretty boring if it below 200. It'll go between above 200 -- I -- better look forward to assure this -- -- talked about this last week com. I think our conclusion was generally is at the note as potentially a he'd niche audience where we'll succeed but. Overall we didn't necessarily see. The world go in that way though I did want to note that the rumored -- Tab Samsung have -- 011 point six or whatever was. Was also supposed to have this sort of note and technology. As well it could -- styles. -- and tennis and just attack could be interest in on a tablet that's -- on a phone it seems a weird it once they meet -- -- -- -- an erroneous thank you need to be constantly looking. -- whole lawyer thing. Presumably -- only unit. For specific things I think 90% of the time you'd be. -- -- to do with your finger like you normally do and then you sit down and you go like oh what -- really -- Do something with the digitized that are being -- -- now. And then you do this very specific thing if you're an artist -- probably going to be sitting down to drawing on the on the bus. Holding it to a stealth in one hand in the tab in the other. But it we have -- the situations where you'd want to break out the stylus are probably very specific. Agreed to. Com -- last -- voicemail from tree in San Antonio. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I consider myself for -- -- -- -- to her watcher I watched. Them achieve vote ever leak and the governor and I got my original. -- -- -- a -- came helped so it's been a lot of that and listening and watching. -- -- I hadn't heard you guys talk about their FaceBook Google fight apparently shall I was surprised when I upgraded from my regional -- it. To my -- connector. And my FaceBook. Account not my contacts or -- Our picture -- -- on an equal vote on there and if we can expect to see that fixed. Thanks a lot to show. Gonna keep on watching. Option in the FaceBook app to sync your contacts. It's not there was -- and I know that certain. On HTC. Is your phone HTC it. A day integrate the fees books stuff very tightly with their contact Maria -- at the caller ID. Is -- chemical attacks some of his bread and they were doing that way before I think this stock FaceBook apps are allowed in areas and a faced look at. -- went extinct -- can see that but. There is -- -- -- option I don't know how well that works currently think with the existing content is not all of my FaceBook friends -- my friends. Shy but -- I don't know I think. Maybe with atom of what he's asking is you know what happens if if you sync your FaceBook contacts they think to your phone. But then they don't actually -- to your Google account so who -- you know when you get a new phone they're not -- who contact Travis into the Gmail from within the Gmail -- in May not. And picked him up. -- or are on your desktop computer. But they're the mean the FaceBook. -- itself violent and ethical. But the fees for debit -- does sort of seemed to have like a sync and there is like a little bit of I have on Lenovo -- -- -- here but it. There is this -- that sort of like built in sort of it's gone used to be there were when you would tap a contacts a picture like the little pop up menu that -- -- choose. All of whatever -- vote and a anyway. Don't call me. But that sort of late you know low volume little -- -- contextual menu that pops up. Used to have a FaceBook thing in there -- there any more weird. So I'd say trail around targets settings anything's hooked and war there by your question maybe you were -- -- veterinary weren't there it is. Com. -- -- -- from no I'm just not my own FaceBook friend -- that's why didn't show up but if you. I'm concerned and I don't know when you're gonna get -- -- -- an issue. -- -- but. Yeah I like it if if you when you do that think FaceBook contacts. It basically adds a little FaceBook icon to that contextual menu. That pops up. End it -- -- -- to their FaceBook page if their phone numbers published it'll add it to your contacts and then you can also jump straight to their FaceBook profile. From within their contacts. Card if you -- that so what to do I have to -- this. -- the last time I did it every time I do a CNET video with my phone my personal phone number in them on the Internet. We got a date as a result I did get a I don't once the awkward -- the little weird I -- like a call on Christmas Eve. From. Fan he was like hey is -- -- union Finley and -- Christmas -- Lake Powell thinks. And then out of the phone -- like. -- -- -- -- think Hitler and -- weird that's a little weird. Our it will that is -- show for today so we do wanna make one announcement you may have noticed that are seen -- -- a little bit here. Com we're gonna make little loose change. Antuan is going to. Focus on his car shows of which he has to. 2000 shows. End -- -- -- so I just basically. There's -- do a little bit of a shift in IE and I would are going to be focusing. More on car tech which actually. With summit business card for. That is so much sense yes Olivia stepping back sitting down from my hand my -- role on the show since the. We have the awesome. So no threats that are in -- com and -- hear all about and right now united managing the Internet was flawed -- of -- and stuff on a regular basis so you can be up to date with what's handles all of them. -- and and also come back president against those now and then you have lesser quantity as it's -- it's only if we're not -- -- -- -- it on the workers that we usually -- that you buy it yet this is only gonna make this a -- to spark an affiliate team has little more tapped in to what's going on the -- -- even and I -- that. You guys -- until they -- -- not around so. If you would like to follow. To -- -- on the blog cnet.com slash Android atlas you can watch -- every week. Here Wednesday at 10 AM Pacific CNET dot announced -- -- -- in his email -- an analyst at cnet.com. Follow us on Twitter at -- it now lists below and on and all that car tech stuff -- App and -- -- -- not my real name. Followed January -- -- -- American we've been very yeah okay and you can give us a call 866344. 2638866344. CNET and we'll see you next week.

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