Ep. 35: Opposable thumbs don't really work for us
Ep. 35: Opposable thumbs don't really work for us

Ep. 35: Opposable thumbs don't really work for us

-- loses believe we've seen the FaceBook phone is real and how to clean up your phone all that more on this week's edition of Android atlas weekly for February 10 2011 I'm just -- house belongs it Antuan Goodwin and the gone. But because that phone too many times a sentence. They can be any worse than every week when it -- -- -- the -- If -- up paragraph president of -- with the lately. And -- it in -- -- in for entering and -- -- and very pleased they're going Frist CEO Leo it's an out loud it's -- a control. -- you can't you can't them what we talked notice knee injury nine time when it's just me and so in weekly it is. Well he's read it on more yes there don't talk about iPhone. Nor do we -- -- Britney Spears. We're really -- the -- and yet they didn't like every week we're talking about. Marketshare. And I think last week we are talking about how Android had overtaken Nokia's Symbian OS and the number one. -- Smartphone operating system in the world. This week that every -- in except. Mean it might not be true yes yeah it looks like -- it may not exactly be Internet and -- a different reporting agency. This week and as we get the Gartner. In their actually. Putting Nokia is. -- the -- you know -- a little bit higher than Android. Yet I mean it's funny because they say a little bit higher. And buy a little bit him -- -- ahead by about 42 million U yet. So. Then I -- to put them -- here lake Apple. Only produced I think two million iPhone. Fours for Verizon. Yeah and I mean in you know 42 million -- seems like a lot all 42 million ahead of injury 67 million. You know -- a little over a hundred million phones. The -- moved according to Gartner. Great but reiterating -- ahead if you look at -- right because there I mean they grew its 880. Point 8%. Increase in sales -- -- -- ten. For a total of 22 point 7% of the portal market. While Symbian fell to 37 point 6%. Down from 46 point 9%. The look -- the project trajectory for a last week's story and eventually be accurate. For the depending on who's numbers you -- looking at a news to believe. Will maybe -- load will believe Gartner another numbers than exclusive in generated. Number two globally. Wait means that that. This market and a -- tune in next week when we will tell you standard actually had. Or we'll tell you that yeah I don't know it's a windows phone seven is actually had the recurring segment. Unquestionably. Personal statistics. The Israel questionable if it's. The definition of that is that the federal funding a little more interesting -- -- market here. -- kind of numbers Android 2.3 point three repeating. Yet so new version of -- -- out this week. This is I would say I mean maybe it's exciting but I'm not at all excited about that's the new version of -- there was rolled out. To developers so it's not actually on any phone. It's just an update to gingerbread that gives. It's an update to the near field -- community. Communication. CPI which will let developers access payments any of the NFC. Tags. You know on the -- days as Google. So not not the real name for me especially since the only phone with -- he is the nexus S -- Yet right now. You know and being able to. -- to more phones in the future and a really interest and especially if they start doing more interest in things that -- at the other -- -- you know marketing. When they start. You know eventually rolling. Digital wallet found your own and what -- UV repeat for stuff by flipping your phone. -- -- -- -- -- Ray and this should help spur development by giving developers better access the NFC's stuff rate. If they were we're gonna rely on hardware all of them. Graham Meeks is the balloon that you built and in meet your requirement. And -- 2.3. Three devices have or feature in -- known. Have that'd be interest in dispute they -- that maybe it'll be a requirement -- 2.4. Don't think there's such a thing you injury -- well rumors this week about Android 2.4 back. So apparently rather than. Having in the next name released the paste in sandwich -- release 2.4 as an incremental release to gingerbread and these are just rumors. There's this is kind of wanna make predictions that thing from last year. -- that there would not be another. Mean to release. Before any -- Anyway so this these rumors key -- from may view sonic represented. When he was talk about their -- I mean view pad for phone. And it funny that -- had been -- the phone. That's beside the point. He says that will come with the 2.4. Update. Set for release in April. And the 2.4 update will be specifically to quote ensure compatibility with dual core apps. -- so. The -- right now all of those dual core hardware. Acceleration is ruled honeycomb right maybe this is gathered in some honeycomb. Features and -- them back which we heard nonstop rumors about. I mean I think the bottom line here is there's mass confusion. -- probably be nice and it would settle down the community as those developers who would come out -- it. Here is our strategy. -- -- any any it is maybe if they -- -- periodic table of Android. And version. Media that. I don't know if there would be helpful that fortunately foreshadowing indeed. Ballistics Leo look back a little -- -- weeks ago we talked about on the concept phone -- had three different screen you can fold up and all sorts of weird configuration. In -- You know football like the sort of like slider phone or a far higher out of it. This week we've got sprint unveiling of the -- and -- echo. And this is actually. Dual touch screen phone. Better the story over on at cnet.com Andrea -- -- And it's basically -- that -- pelican Nintendo DF a little bit depending on how you hold it. Right it's kind of I don't know I'm undecided on this phone so that the details are it's when -- -- -- -- two year contract. Has to 3.5 inch WVG screens. Canonized as you -- on a pivot inch. -- -- -- -- He and the -- really understand is when you need to understand before -- that it can run in. Which are. The tablet mode that lets you run one app on both screens have just packed to the larger screens actually. Without hard on the middle and yet that's -- knowing that Albany you know all of us who have two screens on our desktops. Deal with that as well. But I guess we deal with a little differently -- usually watch movies across two screens. -- you wouldn't really do that Agassi who you're running two applications on different screens normally in your desktop which this phone also does support in its ensemble -- moods. And that it sort of as to whose final pass modes -- one is great and run an app on each screen you. And I think that doesn't require anything special from the apps. -- could have browser on top on an email on your bottom one. But then it also can. Apps can be built specifically for the phone. For example YouTube app which would let you browse YouTube library in the bottom one and watch videos -- the -- -- as you're browsing. And that you know developers are gonna have to built specifically for. And then I don't. For those other through the fourth -- would be when you pull the phone up and you only have one screen visible -- then it becomes more of a traditional entry phone with. More traditional resolution. Yeah I wonder if you can pick which when you can use. -- I think you're -- not unlike how using you know whether you slide the screen directly signed by tighter you leave them with a little bit of an angle looked like -- hardware triggered. -- -- the video we have over -- the thank you should take that out guys. And -- and money actually kind of playing around on it looked like as she. Move the phone physically between configurations or even open Anthony support those different configurations -- the phone automatically doing all -- choosing itself. -- I think this is really -- team aiming to mean it's just more of a concept at this point credit mean. No one's gonna build apps specifically that for this phone or for the most part there are equality in Kiev Jeremy. Sure -- who who cares. Lol if if if if you a few on the phone and you would care. That if you would expect like. I'm just there isn't anyone to meet the specific versions of the gap the yes if -- if their appeal to content YouTube player. And Android is flexible enough that they can rule that in instead of the standard YouTube player mean. -- the mean if if only a couple of have to get and -- -- bill. Make it useful. It makes the useful but it doesn't -- You know -- a new -- and industry. -- -- -- -- I think give me if he is here or you know -- -- a whole line of these phones or multiple manufacturers would melt in this as a form factor. So that a developer considered develop -- that -- will work on a bunch of other platforms in Tuesday. That one phone that does this out of a hundred Android phones out there always starts with one at an all ability -- -- movement. It's true the other Barbara this phone as it doesn't have forties worked. That. You know -- it -- -- I think it does when it is is kind of a fun little eat the thing that these can then we'd be. They have again every Timothy manufactured doing some thing. Different from the weird. At least one a look at it and it -- visited nobody ever tried anything weirdly. And -- mean surely you can make the same argument -- you know last year. You know when we were all things like who's gonna by the tablet you know -- but the point -- quality but those same tablet. The -- today -- complete port I mean it'd mean I'd be a huge place. But if but for no other reason somebody have -- -- a side -- -- very. Well I think what they could have done is -- -- of -- created this has sort of a platform for example Sony rate with the PlayStation. -- -- -- -- -- -- This is not gonna just run on a Sony found this is gonna but. -- to a -- PlayStation suite loose wool you know walk they'll be a bunch of phones will be certified to sort of be that the PlayStation phones. However this week at the Super Bowl we did yet they first. His official look at the PlayStation. Phone the first PlayStation phone from Sony the Sony X. Ericsson experience play. It is very. Commercial. You know -- and -- -- rather than. At the yeah I'm sure reverence house right now I haven't seen in its CNET you know -- -- -- even more susceptible. So for does you can't see this you know basically. He noted that -- in the phone but it produces very back hourly. Some weird shady stuff is happening and and that's -- Chop Shop. And there's. Guy at the end the working on this Andretti Android robot and the and travels the hands of standard robot -- they have thumbs. And -- system's human clones coming out of this -- but it all it's free to progress inevitably groups like the first PlayStation commercial. From back in today which generally occurs if they could -- -- -- Play and here. I'm the phone looks cool info looks cool that commercial. I know a little -- get your -- rate and no one talks that. I'm lucky that -- no none of them. So -- real old. At mobile world congress next week. You know we're gonna be covering the press conference where -- think they're gonna dig more into it. Which is sending -- thirteenth. So it was that the next -- is that this coming Sunday it just for Valentine's Day right so press conference starts at 9 AM Pacific. So tune in on CNET. At least we know it's. Real real real. You know what else we know as real real real. -- We look -- Israel have FaceBook found after -- but that it's not real -- I mean will mean the maybe it is the real IQ just unveiled a FaceBook focused Canada Android phone -- -- -- Q cloud types in the -- Q cloud -- Like using that name. But they both focus very heavily on FaceBook integration the list so that it. Could be argued that this is the -- -- bone that everyone's been. And rumored about -- about room under mongering. Write to FaceBook what's -- attitude when they said they weren't releasing a FaceBook phone it's not FaceBook not the manufacture. But it certainly is gonna be called from here on out the FaceBook phone. You know has it it looks a lot about that like the -- and right where it's just all about social and really social. For FaceBook it it has news -- zones that the front the home pages and as you turn the phone. I don't know you know I mean its interest in the kids -- -- and I'm -- You know we find -- -- -- that popular -- the tree. But I kind of put this in the same same line is that was that the Twitter phone. They re purpose that email speaker funding. And a with the Twitter -- at the Twitter it was -- even a phone right of the Twitter only device yeah and the next evolution -- that if you can do FaceBook on any phone like in. Positioning your phone as the quarter -- FaceBook phone. Kind of pigeonholed it. A little bit -- it's it's it as if there were computers that were coming out those but this is the -- but computer yes. I mean obviously if built on Android -- you can do other stuff but it. If you give someone the choice who is un informed. Between buying the FaceBook phone in a phone that does FaceBook amongst other things. I -- -- help the long ago. -- and I wanna -- that just does FaceBook. It seems like. And depending on how -- -- -- -- biblically -- that the thief can be of little fifty bucks rate you'll be all for a lot of people like FaceBook as well. If that is evil and -- race just led troops AOL used to. Exactly and that. I hadn't made it yet everyday I think -- -- you know whatever -- Mrs. -- to work on it at topic in might have worked to and it didn't we can argue all they have no way that it. So -- -- let's just agreed it is -- we're gonna we're not gonna get in that. We know there are different so poll what will minute what we will get into is the zoom. -- of tablet. So we've heard all the rumors about zoom coming out the three G model -- costing 800 bucks and this week there is. People spotted in the FCC. -- A Wi-Fi only zoom. You know basically the -- you know it it says there's no mention of three G four G support incidents -- patient documents on -- The previous filing so. It's it's almost a confirmation -- that there will be a -- I zoom the big question is how much says the cost. I'm getting 200 -- -- A hundred bucks 600 dollars. Hopefully. Yes wouldn't buy it with you it about it to -- Interest in would you buy the three G. -- -- buy a knife a minus three the in the beat them to dive photos of them and that the price that I'd be looking at would be a little bit lower than that but. But they're really you're looking at me and it lasts for three G1 with contract the -- had you would from -- gonna buy a three -- and I'm gonna want service -- it. So yes I would definitely expect to pay -- rather for the privileges. Being locked into a contract for two years right but -- modular model as an -- for the Wi-Fi only and then maybe tethered to my Smartphone. I'd be happy to do that definitely there. RA after the break we are going to take a look at little how to do that and pounded on freeing up space on your -- found says. Stay with -- Our -- welcome back to -- Android atlas weekly. Antuan Goodwin here with -- -- health and you know. We are gonna take -- into -- introduced a new segment we've been doing all out of in a lot of demand for a -- how to videos can showed people. How to can get in and -- -- a lot of you probably think of basic thing but for many view the a some pretty interesting tricks with -- -- -- so with that in mind we're gonna jump on over to myself. As I show you how to free up space on your injury phone. It's. If you own and older injury will -- -- -- path you've probably come across this low on space message. This is probably because most Android phones actually have to storage media available or micro SD card which can be whoever tween eight and 32 gigabytes. And the internal memory where your apps are actually stored at fault which is only about 512 megabytes. Which is also shared with the -- the US data. What that means is you only got about 250 some -- megabytes of that storage space at best so how can you free up more space perhaps when digital real stated so rarefied. How are off loading some of those -- Tibetan activists the -- we just talked about. -- your phone need to be running Android fro you know that's version 2.2. So you haven't made that upgrade or one isn't available to you you'll be out of luck without a -- -- -- custom -- but that's the subject of another how to media all right let's get to it. For your encourage home screen hit the menu button then jumped to settings now scroll down to -- applications. And then manage applications. You'll be presented with a few list of all the applications installed on your phone. To find the worst offenders -- the tab that fits all and then hit the menu button and sort by size. The -- to be reorganized from the largest digital footprint to the smallest. A case that now you found an app that you -- off flew to the SD card click on the app in the list and look for but -- this since moved to SD card. Click on that and the OS will shuffle the -- and all of its data to external storage bring a more internal space for app downloads. Now not every Apple will be movable to the SD card but many of the best are. You'll still be able to continue using your -- -- normal once the upload is complete. Unless you somehow remove the SD card or have it mounted for external storage with a PC. Now you'll feel like hunting down and checking every single app installed for -- the compatibility you can also use an -- such as apps to SG. Which will scan your phone show your available space and point out movable -- -- to take -- to the appropriate menu screen. -- they have it. Now you know how to effectively manage your injury phone's storage -- there's one here with cnet.com bringing you another injury how to. Check out our Internet with blog for more -- tips and tricks as well as how to move on CNET TV. That's pretty good how to -- Played down that and you know it's certainly when -- have literate and I. Love how things got weird sort of books and yeah it's been through the -- makes a little I'm proud of the the scratches and scars its ball and downstairs to. All -- out of our. Particularly media figures to the under a doctor's. Video telephony it'll be interesting is like time goes on -- if they're doing more and more -- counties that you'll start to notice. Who -- -- -- more beat out of the year goes on and maybe just before. Or my Credo. -- -- something if you update it repaint it. Lot of new people an idea. Very bad idea. Is this says this next areas is may be the future have to do for you. Such as how -- -- run Android apps on my non Android phones. I've you do well. As of today and I guess it really it today but. The company today. Called Mary had announced the alien Dell's neck. Which is software that will allow -- -- apps to run on non Android phones so Ares assume what this is his sort of a job virtual machine. With sounds. Emulated EP AOS. -- system like that that. They've built here. And I guess the idea is the first operating system will be Migo devices. Benefiting -- all have been on Nokia and potentially killing me go over it you home but. You know. This is I guess some kind of layer that'll run on other phones and let you run -- apps. Which is pretty closely related to -- recovered. About rim possibly running the -- that. Java virtual machine their playbook right yeah -- really think about this. Mid looks like if -- that article -- to be believed in the way that it words this that things like. If they did the owner will have to repackage the PK for youth on the delving into the like it's just plug and play. You go to web site beginning became just pop it into this this virtual machine it starts running if you look there may be a little bit of -- -- end work -- it. May not be exactly great for primetime as far as as consumers go buy it. I guess that's the nature of news you have. Open software that you know people can get in and tinker with -- it distinctively -- So that app developers and factory packages that says yes and I mean if nothing else will make it easier for cross platform development. If if you know -- sort of I'm -- in Rijndael that is. In widespread and adopted or even used in a number wave. It's against -- you know we'll never see this on my iPhone right. And where you never hear last and so what else is interest team that has left at that point -- my question so windows phone may be. So we don't there's nothing else that we even knows going to be successful. I don't know could you run on windows that a chemical. Today would be interesting for in bringing your applications over to. Kind of the opposite of what's happening with the Motorola a tricks retake. The application environments. And make it into a Smartphone environment or week on different -- takes more open environment and make it into a laptop environment and -- along similar lines actually even where you can. -- do that than run them on low -- netbooks or something like that. That would be -- -- things. It. Yeah -- see it happen them internally that I can take off on Migo. Maybe it's just a good platform to demo on. -- -- To get -- platforms. Right now. Qualcomm is actually doing some theories things as far as and Fareed compatible. Chipset. Broadcom on the other hand and another company who's actually starting to jump into the market and compete. -- you've actually got. To. Cortex -- nine chipset that they're coming out 01 point one gigahertz processors these are that are going to be injury ready. And they're looking to get into that sort of the ever expanding injury market. In new court -- my handset makers. Yeah I mean I think this really speaks the openness. The standard platform like you know on IOS your payments only -- have one CPU. Chips generate -- -- even on windows phone seven they've been pretty strict about the requirements. Who knows what's gonna happen with Nokia. You know standard is running out on a variety of CPU and -- -- here. So I guess that's good right. Yet I mean competition. Of course brings down prices -- -- keeper for consumer. So somebody else making one gigahertz host processor. Come to power -- phones. Awarded invariably -- prices down in the long run -- Elizabeth who are buying and on the other hand. It could also speed up the development cycle and kind of add to that buyer's remorse that you get after buying any injury -- and after about a week. When a new and comes out. -- Cap and stand in -- -- -- indices to. Who -- court specifically and what you know what manufacturers choose what chip -- -- their phones than have it becomes competitive advantage or not. Seen moving on here we've had a lot of questions over time -- -- really -- and -- But what kind of -- that's the equivalent of the iPod Touch. And who would we talk -- last week. Here's a couple weeks ago actually in an accident last year even. But your last week -- it at this point the early in the game. -- what what -- We were looking at that point with potentially. Samsung galaxy player -- being a version of the the union -- Samsung galaxy phones that are on premature provider -- point. But without that cellular antennas being Mormon I -- it's like device that's president and a -- yet -- school there was talk of it coming out. Your and then there's -- of it being available. You know -- in -- it was. Kind of glossed over not really mentioned at CES this year -- this week we actually have a hands on -- Donald bell here. As -- on our crave blog. But how the -- one. Is a hypothetical one. There it looks. Pretty it's I think it's expensive it's the 170 bucks. Comes standard to one and has 32 gigs of storage if you really expect that a mean -- is not -- touch to an -- and dollars. Not a birth sixteen gig and 230 and -- and a lucky yet more than half costs. You know the -- and it does do audio Nvidia -- and has an FM radio and web browser email calendar photos except -- It does not have entered market though and it does seem they don't even have their own market loses. Whatever is on the -- start her on the end device start with is what you get -- look more and more and -- So -- running health and injury to that one. -- -- and he's gonna transfer. Media -- have to use their proprietary USB cable. So I don't know. You know it's. Do -- -- a very specific use case like that number of the people who don't have Smartphones. They just I don't -- -- really no way don't so we've basically what we're saying is -- still not there yet. Is -- and injury. Portable media player still nothing. He ended if you want portable media player at this point of -- to buy A me holding Android phone couldn't against the carrier. In it and then you still have access standard market and he -- enter a music player -- will be slow. You're just playing music when needed to watch videos. -- I guess you're option would be. -- members and one of the tablets that are coming out. -- and it's not as portable office the -- license. An analyst you can do it in seven inch -- You back pocket. The I don't know. Rather option. Would be to buy the Motorola -- -- Because that could be your everything. Everything everything you wanna do the tricks is there can -- year. The -- to be a music player can be your phone. Can be your GPS. To be here. You know -- -- of your life be it could completely be your TV. So we actually -- -- our own Bonnie Cha got her phone hands on the Motorola matrix and we have a full review on it. And you know overall selected it's not editor's choice leased space yet but it. -- what four stars out of five not bad. Her bottom line is. But the dual core of literally tricks is funny to offer its own Smartphone packs speed and -- And features into a sleek package and earns its -- top of the AT&T'S Android lineup. -- -- the top of that review also you'll see a link. When you get over there that choose that Scott Stein Navarro laptop. Reviewers actually taken the -- -- -- but it could sort of a head to head against the netbook that he exactly. How Motorola's. Claim. That the a tricks with their laptop -- can actually replace. A netbook computer. The helmet that felt so be sure to check them out when -- over there as well. This does have the downside -- phone has one at the U. Things that AT&T has done to a lot of Android phones the -- -- crazy. Is they do not allow you on this phone and several others to install third party apps that aren't in the market. But they've locked that feature. And -- if it goes against the whole Android he throws very. Debit. The whole injury that if -- -- -- -- open enemy bases can. They wanted to connect can close it -- -- you're saying I -- mean the fact the matter is this this is the reason that you don't wanna by the phone don't -- it. And he -- so I don't know if if you're if you're definitely looking and mining. Doesn't make it a bad phone it just means that this thing the full review. Simon mining insist you know a lot of people released there early versions that are -- Outside of the -- market. You know or if you wanted to install -- the Amazon market on here. He wouldn't be able to do that right right but I mean and if you there's gonna be another phone. At some point that stack of similarly. That -- -- -- do that that's the the beauty of the injury marketed that the openness also means that you. Definitely take their money elsewhere. And -- which -- dollars and then eventually wrote a rule here that out. I just want you to be an informed consumer. And note this will mean. I'm sad because you know as an owner of the first in Fareed you know really proud of the fact that -- of -- a you know we're really kind of adopting this whole. You do is you want with your phone color attitude in that they've changed that in their market to the -- of different drum outlook disappointment. I think this is really an eighteen teasing them. Yeah Pacific payments all the phones that have the third party installed -- them -- from AT&T. Made through basically. If an hour and up you look at -- -- -- Over on Verizon when it comes out you may not be able -- use the fancy pants flat top doc. Inflict a lot of people are only kind of a little bit interested in that anyway. Add it to me I think of this like the addict he is here. Dual screen echo phone which is that you think it's -- now I think it's cool I don't think it's gonna take off but it's cool. Until it cooled enough. -- good enough. Enough for what a -- enough to make a profit it's enough to. It now for Unita via -- -- mean it looked. Then -- -- cannot -- of the Nintendo Wii and an it was cool and you're flailing around in front of the screen -- -- display. In -- now everyone can develop motion sensitive game for this one platform and I -- yen Nintendo flick of with a peak. -- -- that pine to the be commended a lot of a lot of attention from -- game developers but now everybody's got motion sensitive game. So lake somebody's gotta go out and look stupid for a while. Before. You know people realize that -- -- thing sounds like the FB unions -- event here. How about things you know and -- they were your math is there will. But do it aren't gonna do -- get to the -- of the term. The terms are tune in next week for the terms of the -- or email your suggestions to enter an analyst at cnet.com. -- wrap it up this week with the periodic table of elements as. It is -- school. Yet it too -- walk through this 1 January 2011 Google API and developer products -- presented. As the periodic table of elements. I don't know why. Google did this or what purpose it's all there. Houses differ from just lifting all of their there at the -- that wasn't even really like a public document and an internal sort of thing. That it -- shows. Pretty much every Google products separated by into the search project of -- social product the mobile product the little mobile product of course being Android. Floating up in the top left hand corner where those of you who are familiar with the -- you'll know that hydrogen normally fits. But then -- the -- -- -- -- useless chart. But it -- kind of cool and very easy. That means that -- it is the fundamental. Element. The Google because -- or -- it was with Booth. Prevalence of common element in the universe. -- my -- my chemistry with. The different and -- out of an infinite the some I don't know yet -- not talking about right now is open mouth insert unless I'm right and Apple -- Matt -- -- says and they'll be chromium. -- on there yet chromium bond there but I think it it where helium -- -- yet. Parent chromium sitting right there were helium with us not really sorry Google and I are both gonna -- their. Horrible knowledge -- chemistry. And science in general then -- does that mean reality Android -- at cnet.com. Late gas Simon -- -- it says hey guys I was just listening to your recent podcast where you discussed the Motorola. -- X dock. I think this is gonna be some fuel for -- -- event here. I think you miss the key point of the dock. Test. From the business point of view if you have a dock then you can run a virtual desktop that says -- her present desktop and your phone this means they can arrive at work argument thrown into -- dock though my my Windows 7 virtual desktop. He would also be able to run any -- -- published. Apps such as -- -- office Lotus Notes he didn't require the full windows. Seven experience. And hanging out for the neat -- with the multimedia dock that -- not -- Seems an interesting idea but it would be -- if the phone slotted inside rather than hanging out the back awkwardly. We think about that. It's a very specific use case. It also. Again fuel from my side -- -- -- yes I can see that the very specific one act but I can suited to more general use case. -- -- it. Personal very specific way that. If it was just a good in my PC you're -- -- and you could just run on the phone directly from. You know -- then you can access your work your home computer that that kind of makes sense they get that. Yes and you -- to take advantage of did them all why would get the remote processing powerful computer at that point. I think -- I guess -- -- though the whole point of using your phone as the processor. In that the phones that information on it though there's some sort of awaited that ties in together. As you would you have to duplicate that information. On the virtual lives on on on the remote machine interactive -- your argument here but then who think. But still fuel for the fire yet. Via an -- in and out came out from Arthur saying and thinking about buying name Motorola zoom. But I don't know if I actually get the three G version with the -- wait for a wife average of the matter is -- three G version. Coming with a two year contract term of the month thanks in advance Arthur. There's actually -- pretty interest in -- very timely question it because. One thing we didn't cover but there was sort of these the speculation based on its interest in wording in the Verizon contract that you could get a month to month contract on the Motorola zoom. But to enable Wi-Fi you have to buy one month. -- -- -- I can't imagine present well actually they won't like fixed this but that seems to be the way it's written now. Ignoring that yes should be able to come get a month to month contract. With the zoom. It mine defect that -- how much they subsidize this by. You know downloads through if you get month the month you know subsidiary. Probably I don't conflict in the end of the month the month if you look at the Samsung tab a lot of people didn't change the price -- a about a contractor not gonna. So it's it's been kind of -- -- at this point. But yeah I mean I'm certainly they want. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- what do they get nova. A month of you know when -- box. Because if you look at the district to interpret what -- -- subsidize it by five dollars. And -- comes and it -- -- question here means so now we know there's going to be away -- and we don't it's it's gonna cost I think. -- answer for me is do you need three G. Like I don't know where you live it how often you are are outside of a Wi-Fi network. But if you have long commutes to and -- -- today. But if you don't then. I'm gonna fade. If you have a Smartphones or plan on having a Smartphone that does tethering on three G or four G at the time that -- comes out but you're gonna have it on you anyway. I personally would pay up front. For the device without -- to not be locked into the contractor. And just take advantage of the Wi-Fi tethering or any other sort of tethering. Then Valerie have I would there's no way them to be downloaded from the on the phone and on the tablet is the -- time. So. -- thought it -- -- -- as well write programs that data plans are going to be another option is get a MiFi card from you know is another option. But then that's another device at least if it's your phone you always having found in the mean it still contract -- -- and move it -- right. By and month by the -- -- data plan contract and that which in the same boat when now through devices. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- With -- -- Smartphone it's not worth being locked into a contract for two years. The money that you save -- will you'll make that back in the long run. -- -- -- -- -- Are it will lose some good emails we have this week so if you have an email send it to an Android atlas at cnet.com. You can follow us on Twitter enter an atlas or watch slide show every week it in the stock announcements -- -- Thursday 2 PM Pacific. Where the blog cnet.com slash -- analysts. And if you have any ideas or any how to videos that you wanna see that often going to be the place that's used in those two. And I'll definitely sort through those and find the ones that are most interesting to the most people in you may -- -- -- to. On cnet.com. Has performed by it when Goodman. If nothing is added that. America C guest next week they care.

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