iPhone 5 to feature larger display, reports hint

The iPhone 5 could feature a larger 4-inch screen and is almost ready to go into production, according to reports.

Luke Westaway Senior editor
Luke Westaway is a senior editor at CNET and writer/ presenter of Adventures in Tech, a thrilling gadget show produced in our London office. Luke's focus is on keeping you in the loop with a mix of video, features, expert opinion and analysis.
Luke Westaway
2 min read

The iPhone 5 could sport a larger display, according to reports.

9to5Mac claims a Foxconn employee has let slip that the next iteration of the iPhone will boast a screen that's at least 4 inches across, and is nearly ready to go into production.

Those same sources also reckon the iPhone 5 will boast a different design to the iPhone 4 and its more successful identical twin, the iPhone 4S. The rumoured 'teardrop' design won't be used apparently -- the next iPhone will instead be symmetrical along the sides.

That report chimes with the image above, which was spotted by 9to5Mac last year, apparently on a Chinese part reseller's website. The part certainly looks very Apple-esque and clearly boasts a slimmer bezel, which could make for more screen real estate.

So is Apple likely to plonk a larger screen on its new mobile? Rival manufacturers have spent the last few years building bigger and bigger phones, ramping up screen sizes to the point where the mahoosive Samsung Galaxy Note almost looks acceptable.

By comparison the iPhone 4S is teeny-tiny. But building a bigger phone just because everyone else is doesn't seem very 'Apple'. Increasing the screen size would also mean that iOS apps would need to be rewritten to accommodate the extra display, which would be a royal pain in the rump for developers.

What do you think the iPhone 5 will look like? Tell us in the comments or on our Facebook wall, then be sure to check out our complete guide to all the iPhone 5 rumours.

Image credit: 9to5Mac