Set the world on fire with a real, flaming Fallout 4 sword

Make Magazine's Controlled Chaos shows how to make a working "Shishkebab" weapon right in the comfort of your own home. Your flammable and (hopefully) heavily insured home.

Danny Gallagher
CNET freelancer Danny Gallagher has contributed to Cracked.com, Mental Floss, Maxim, Break.com, Mandatory, Jackbox Games, Geeks Who Drink and many, many other publications in his never-ending quest to bring the world's productivity to a screeching halt. He lives and works in Dallas. Email Danny.
Danny Gallagher
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Controlled Chaos host and builder Caleb Kraft shows off a working Shishkebab he made to celebrate the release of Fallout 4.

Video screenshot by Danny Gallagher/CNET

If you've got a copy of Fallout 4 , chances are you haven't left the house in days and you smell like soup mix from too much sitting and too little showering.

It's understandable. The open-world role-playing video game, released Tuesday, has a massive array of insane weapons that let you eviscerate, disembowel and incinerate your enemies in all sorts of interesting and creative ways.

A new video from the Make Magazine Web series Controlled Chaos can get you started on building your own Fallout 4-inspired arsenal in real life. It shows off a working model of the infamous flaming sword known as the Shishkebab that you can use to turn your enemies into nothing but well-done steak cubes on a stick.

Touring the beautiful, desolate world of Fallout 4 (pictures)

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Builder Caleb Kraft based his design for Fallout 4's flaming sword of awesome from fan artwork he found online. Then he took a kitana and attached a makeshift flamethrower made of parts from a motorcycle, a propane grill and copper tubing that spits out a row of flames along the blade. This is definitely the knife you'd want to bring to a gun fight, no matter what Sean Connery said in "The Untouchables."

The video below only shows the final product in action and a few details of Kraft's impressive sword, but he also posted a series of daily build videos that show how he made the Shishkebab from start to finish. The links to those daily videos are located in the description of the video's YouTube page. You can also read more about the sword and its design on Make Magazine's official website.

If you're going to attempt to build such a dangerous-looking weapon, please use extreme caution. We don't live in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where a sword that can throw fire on someone is a necessity for survival, and if you're wishing that was the case, please seek professional help or some kind of direct contact with actual sunlight immediately.