New WoW servers targets Aussie gamers

Australian World of Warcraft players rejoice! Blizzard has just opened two new servers targeted specifically at local WoW fans.

CNET Australia staff

Australian World of Warcraft players rejoice! Blizzard has just opened two new servers targeted specifically at local WoW fans.

Blizzard has added six new servers globally for WoW to cater for the game's strong growth. Two of the new servers are being designated as Oceania preferred to cater for Australian, New Zealand and Singaporean players. The two servers are set to GMT +11 time, a boon for local players who previously had difficulty attending time-sensitive world events due to time zone differences. The new sites, however, are still US hosted.

One of the Oceania servers, Frostmourne, is designated as PvP, while the other, Khaz'goroth, is designated as normal. In a statement, Blizzard said that because of the need to conduct weekly maintenance simultaneously for all realms in an individual region, the Oceania-preferred realms will have scheduled downtime at the same time as all other North America-based realms.

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