Moga Ace Power iPhone games control leaks, has own battery

Your iPhone is about to get its own games controller, in the form of the Moga Ace Power.

Joe Svetlik Reporter
Joe has been writing about consumer tech for nearly seven years now, but his liking for all things shiny goes back to the Gameboy he received aged eight (and that he still plays on at family gatherings, much to the annoyance of his parents). His pride and joy is an Infocus projector, whose 80-inch picture elevates movie nights to a whole new level.
Joe Svetlik
2 min read

If you like playing games on your iPhone, but balk at the idea of using a touchscreen for a first person shooter, then help is at hand in the form of the Moga Ace Power. @evleaks has brought us the first image of the controller, which slots in either side of your handset, and brings proper console-style buttons -- including a D-pad and a pair of thumbsticks -- to the party, so you don't need to keep prodding the screen and obscuring the action as you play.

Not only that, the Ace Power has its own 1,800mAh battery built in too, so it won't sap your handset's. Rather, it'll actually charge it while you play. Handy that, seeing as smart phone battery lives aren't exactly marathon nowadays.

Admittedly the controller will bulk up your iPhone significantly. And it's another accessory to lug around with you. But if you're into your gaming, it could be manna from heaven.

The Ace Power will work with the iPhone 5, 5C and 5S, as well as the fifth-generation iPod touch. There's no release date or price yet, but I'm guessing before Christmas and not cheap.

Moga already makes a range of controllers for Android, but this is the company's first for iPhone. It isn't the only company making controllers for Apple handsets. Earlier this month, Logitech's first iPhone controller leaked. It looks similar to Moga's, but lacks the thumbsticks.

Expect more third-party companies to release their own iPhone controllers soon, since Apple announced they could back at WWDC in the summer.

Would you play using Moga's Ace Power? Or are these kinds of add-ons a silly idea? Let me know in the comments, or on our Facebook page.