Ask the Experts, Episode 7: Xbox One vs. PS4: Which one should you get?

The first season of Ask the Experts comes to a close with the ultimate discussion. Which next-gen console is right for you?

Jeff Bakalar Editor at Large
Jeff is CNET Editor at Large and a host for CNET video. He's regularly featured on CBS and CBSN. He founded the site's longest-running podcast, The 404 Show, which ran for 10 years. He's currently featured on Giant Bomb's Giant Beastcast podcast and has an unhealthy obsession with ice hockey and pinball.
Jeff Bakalar

So you've tuned in to Ask the Experts and you've learned all about the features (or lack thereof) inside these next-generation consoles. But what about choosing the machine that's right for you? In this season finale, Jeff and Peter discuss the pros and cons of owning the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 to help you make a more educated decision for yourself.

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