Utilities Updates: Folder Contents CM 1.5.5; Cryptix 0.2; iCaddy 2.3; UMTS GPRS4MacOS 0.7; more

Utilities Updates: Folder Contents CM 1.5.5; Cryptix 0.2; iCaddy 2.3; UMTS GPRS4MacOS 0.7; more

CNET staff

Folder Contents CM 1.5.5: contextual menu shows folder contents. The new version is a maintenance release.

Cryptix 0.2: file encryption and encoding; password generator. The new release has a wordlist generator.

iCaddy 2.3: quickly find your apps via a menu. The new release has a "mini" mode.

UMTS GPRS4MacOS 0.7: connect to UMTS and GPRS mobile networks. The new release has improved the handling of exceptions.

Default Folder X 2.0b6: enhancement for open/save dialog boxes. The new release corrects a bug in Default Folder X's rebound feature that could cause crashes.

syncupX 1.2: perform incremental backup of files and folders. The new release has improved archiving and minor bug fixes.


  • Folder Contents CM 1.5.5