Troubleshooting Mac OS X 10.2.x: Finder re-name bug

Troubleshooting Mac OS X 10.2.x: Finder re-name bug

CNET staff

There appears to be a bug in Mac OS X 10.2.x causes files with unrecognized name extensions to be improperly labeled when duplicated or otherwise modified in the Finder.

To duplicate the bug, make sure that the "hide extensions" option is turned off. Then start with a file named "nsf.pdf" (or another extension that Mac OS X natively recognizes). Duplicate it using either the keyboard shortcut or the File menu. As expected, the resulting file is named "nsf copy.pdf". Another "duplicate" command yields "nsf copy 1.pdf", etc.

Now, start with a file named "nsf.awk" (or another extension that is not natively recognized by Mac OS X). Duplicate it using either method. The copy will be named "nsf.awk copy.awk" - rather than the expected "nsf copy.awk". Another "duplicate" yields "nsf.awk copy.awk 1", etc.

William Doene writes:

"As near as I can tell, extensions the OS is familiar with are duplicated and named properly, while 'unknown' file extensions are mishandled. I've double checked, at each step along the way, that the files names, as given in the 'Name and Extension' part of the 'Get Info' dialog are indeed incorrect."

Feedback on this issue? Drop us a line at late-breakers@macfixit.com.


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