SystemSentry: a new tool for monitoring memory-related problems

SystemSentry: a new tool for monitoring memory-related problems

CNET staff
SystemSentry is a new utility that monitors your Mac for certain types of memory-related problems. From a press release:
"Many times when a Mac crashes it's due to a problem with the computer handling its memory resources; also, many of these crashes come with a dialog box that presents the user with a difficult-to-interpret error code. At least some memory-related problems are directly attributable to a bug in a specific program, while others may be due to a problem with the operating system, hardware, or fragmented memory. Since a computer uses its memory resources in a dynamic way, effectively tracking its memory usage requires a dynamic approach. SystemSentry provides users with an easy way to dynamically monitor the memory requirements of their computers -- even when SystemSentry is not displayed on their Desktops!"