Sad Macs Update Site / MacFixIt Second Anniversary today!

Sad Macs Update Site / MacFixIt Second Anniversary today!

CNET staff
Time flies. It was exactly two years ago today that I began doing this web site. At the time, it was called the Sad Macs Update Site. It became MacFixIt the following October. To note the anniversary, I have placed a new logo at the top of the page. Designed by Craig Hunter, it was my personal favorite of several dozen logos that were submitted by readers back when the MacFixIt name was first introduced. Today's logo is not yet a permanent replacement for the original logo (which will likely return next week). But I am thinking about an overall redesign of the top of the home page, which may well include today's logo (or a modified version of it).

Thanks, as always, to all of you that have made this site a regular stop in your web surfing these past two years. Without you, the success of this site would not have been possible.

More generally, the past two years have often been difficult ones for Apple supporters. We have seen Apple fall on increasingly hard times. But the dedication of Mac enthusiasts, such as those that visit MacFixIt, has never waned. I am certain that this commitment has been crucial to keeping the Mac alive. Now that it looks like Apple has finally turned the proverbial corner, we can look forward to the next two years with an increasing sense of optimism and excitement.

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