RAM Doubler 8 is out; problems (and work-arounds) getting started

RAM Doubler 8 is out; problems (and work-arounds) getting started

CNET staff
2 min read
As expected, the RAM Doubler 8 Updater is now online. This version is optimized to work with MS Office 98. The control panel has also been redesigned.

Problems getting started Readers have noted a few problems just getting started with it:

Can't install on hard drive Eric-Jan Japing reports: "The Updater would only let me upgrade the master disk." When trying to update RAM Doubler on his hard drive, the installer said it is not possible to install "in your currently active System Folder (dimmed because Ram Doubler is not installed)." Roberta Willing, Jeff Vermuth and Gregory Larsen all report the same problem.

Peter Kelly may have the solution: "The installer would not recognize the 2.0.2 control panel. The 'Upgrade' button remained dimmed. The solution? I changed the name of the RAM Doubler 2 control panel to RAM Doubler 8. Installation then proceeded smoothly."

Can't update the master disk Albert L. Lilly III notes: "When using the Updater, your master disk must be updated to 2.0.2 before you run the update. The updater does not recognize any disk other than version 2.0.2."

However, a couple of readers noted that their master disks do not have a slider to unlock the disk (not all master disks come this way). B. Jefferson Le Blanc solved this by putting a piece of black tape over the lock tab hole. He was then able to update the master disk. The master disk then successfully updated the version of RAM Doubler on his hard drive.

Apple Menu glitch? A couple of readers have reported that, after installing RAM Doubler 8, RAM Doubler 2 is still listed in the Apple Menu hierarchical menu for the Control Panels folder. Clicking on the item will not open RAM Doubler 8. However, RAM Doubler 8 is actually there and can be opened directly from the Finder. According to John Culp, deleting RAM Doubler and reinstalling from the updated master disk solved the problem. Mark Shedlin offers a simpler solution: "Just replace alias of Control Panels in the Apple Menu with another alias of Control Panels. You'll see RD8." Bo McCarty concurs.

Another suggested fix is to simply move the RAM Doubler 8 control panel out of the Control Panels folder and then move it back in.