RAM Doubler 8 due online today; preliminary problem reports

RAM Doubler 8 due online today; preliminary problem reports

CNET staff
Don't forget that the free update to RAM Doubler 8 is scheduled to be posted online today. Those who picked up a copy at the show have reported a couple of problems, as yet unconfirmed. For example, Gino Fortunato writes:
"I have a G3 with 96 meg. Installed Ram Doubler 8 and set the RAM in the Control Panel at double. Opening up Netscape 4.05 took 8 seconds. After closing Netscape and re-opening it, it still takes 8 seconds. Tried it 6 times and the times were the same. Before I acquired Ram Doubler 8, I was using Virtual Memory set at the minimum. Netscape took 6 seconds the first time, and every time I re-opened Netscape, it only took 2 seconds."

[Robert Croy claims that this is actually a long-standing RAM Doubler/Netscape issue.]