PowerBook G3 series 13.3" screen problem: a follow-up

PowerBook G3 series 13.3" screen problem: a follow-up

CNET staff
Last week, we described a problem with the 13.3" screen on PowerBook G3 series. Lorne Nukina (of MacService Providers Inc.) explains why, even after the problem cable is replaced, the problem may persist for some users. For the same reason, he suggests that a replacement cable may not even be needed:
"The problem of possibly needing a second cable is not necessarily the case. Apple replaced all their inventory with the revised cable. However, if the cable is not re-installed properly, the problem will reoccur within days. The problem specifically lies where the cable has to be wrapped around the metal hinges. In the process of wrapping the cable around the hinge, before assembling the front and back housing, the cable has to be curled, but it wants to stay straight. The instructions suggested curling it, taping it into place, then reassemble the covers. Once the covers are replaced you can undo the tape, but make sure the cable still wraps freely around the hinge."