Open Season Episode 19: Kermit the Frog or Bill Gates? You decide.

Enjoy this latest podcast in our Open Season series.

Dave Rosenberg Co-founder, MuleSource
Dave Rosenberg has more than 15 years of technology and marketing experience that spans from Bell Labs to startup IPOs to open-source and cloud software companies. He is CEO and founder of Nodeable, co-founder of MuleSoft, and managing director for Hardy Way. He is an adviser to DataStax, IT Database, and Puppet Labs.
Dave Rosenberg

Our Open Season podcast series continued with Episode 19 last week as we wallowed in my general inabilities and the fact that open source realities are starting to kick in for many people.

-Apache licensing and the inability to make money
-Bill Gates' departure
-Contest: Bill Gates or Kermit the Frog

We were also joined briefly by RMS, Bill Gates, Nick Carr and others. It was an all-star event.