Odds & Ends: PC 100 RAM info; MenuFonts and PBG4; FAXstf problem

Odds & Ends: PC 100 RAM info; MenuFonts and PBG4; FAXstf problem

CNET staff
2 min read
Info on PC 100 RAM Chan Lee Meng recommends this page for detailed information about SDRAM speed calculations, identifying who made your RAM, and recommended SDRAM speeds for different bus speeds. He also adds his voice to those who say that part of the cause of RAM problems after firmware updates may be RAM that was marked as "PC100 compliant" but really was not. Sticking with reputable dealers should avoid this.

MenuFonts disables PB G4 keyboard Several users confirm yesterday's report that PowerBook G4 keyboard is disabled after waking from sleep if Suitcase software is installed. However, the actual culprit turns out to be the MenuFonts extension included with Suitcase.

FAXstf problem A reader writes: "We are running FAXstf 6.0.5 with Mac OS 9.1. Although the preferences panel is set for Fax Software On, often the Fax Software becomes Off - with the result that we don't receive faxes." Smith Micro replied on this matter: "We are currently investigating this issue, as others have reported it as well."

    Update: Bob Chandler notes a possible explanation: "I noticed that when you start the computer or wake it from sleep, the fax software is off for about a minute even after the computer is otherwise functioning. During this time, the Fax Menu indicates the fax software is off and can be turned on. After about a minute the fax software activates. This becomes a problem when you have the computer set to go to sleep and then wake up when the phone rings."