Mac OS 9.1 sneak peek; conflict with OS X Public Beta noted

Mac OS 9.1 sneak peek; conflict with OS X Public Beta noted

CNET staff
The Think Secret web site is running an unauthorized sneak peek at the forthcoming Mac OS 9.1. Of particular interest, it notes that the "Startup Disk control panel has received a major overhaul. It can have the computer start up as a NetBoot client with a Mac OS X Server host, and can also select Mac OS X Public Beta systems." However, an Apple document states: "The Mac OS X Public Beta and Mac OS 9.1 are not compatible. If you install Mac OS 9.1, the Classic Environment in Mac OS X Public Beta will no longer function." Note: One way to avoid the above OS X Beta/OS 9.1 conflict is to have installed OS X on a separate partition from OS 9, and to include a separate OS 9 System Folder on the OS X partition. Use the Mac OS 9 System Folder on the OS X partition as the one for Classic Environment (as selected from OS X's Classic System Preferences). You can now install OS 9.1 without losing Classic Environment access.