Installing Mac OS 8.5 on a PowerBook 500 PPC (and other "unsupported" models)

Installing Mac OS 8.5 on a PowerBook 500 PPC (and other "unsupported" models)

CNET staff
Last time, we noted an Apple TIL file (#30818) that claimed that a PowerBook 500 with a PPC upgrade could not run Mac OS 8.5. Many readers noted that you could use Wish I Were to fool the 8.5 Installer into thinking that the PB 500 is an acceptable model for installing Mac OS 8.5. Robert Lloyd has a Web page where he describes the process in more detail. Bob Rabun has another such Web page.

A letter from "John" (as posted on other Mac news Web sites, such as the MRP) describes yet anothervariation on this procedure.