Hard Disk ToolKit and "alternate master directory block error": a solution?

Hard Disk ToolKit and "alternate master directory block error": a solution?

CNET staff
Shaun Wolf Wortis reports that after reformatting and partitioning his drive with FWB's Hard Disk ToolKit version 2.5.2, Norton Utilities and Disk First Aid report errors on at least one of the partitions. For example, Norton reported: "An error was found in the alternate master directory block. The Alternate MDB lists an incorrect number of allocation blocks. (3,3,5)." Neither Norton Utilities nor Disk First Aid could fix the problem. Oddly, if he removed PC Exchange 2.2 and reformatted the disk, the problem went away. This may relate to previous report of a similar problem. However, Shaun has an IBM drive, rather than the Quantum drives implicated in the previous report.

Update: Joe Borzellino reminds me that I reported on essentially this same issue back in February. Apparently, it is till not fixed. Christopher Stone writes: "I had the same problem, but all I needed to do was remove PC Exchange. It was not necessary to reformat the drive."

Update: Keith Bumgarner adds: "The circumstances require that you have multiple partitions of the drive formatted with FWB, are running OS 8.1, and have at least attempted to load/mount PC media (including floppies) on your desktop. The mere presence of PC Exchange was not enough to invoke the problem."