Eudora "missing file thread" issue: A reply from Qualcomm

Eudora "missing file thread" issue: A reply from Qualcomm

CNET staff
2 min read
Last time, we wrote about an email attachment problem with Eudora, leading to a "missing file thread" error in Disk First Aid. John Boyd (of Qualcomm) replies:
The "missing file thread" catalog corruption that Disk First Aid reports is caused by a bug in Mac OS 8.1. Catalog entries (specifically, file IDs) are not properly created under OS 8.1 when saving files on standard HFS partitions. Eudora Pro 4.0.2 and current 4.1 betas include a workaround for this OS bug. The Read Me file included with the 4.1 beta makes note of this workaround in the release notes section.

Users running Mac OS 8.1, and an earlier version of Eudora that is configured to save attachments onto a standard HFS partition, may experience broken attachment links in received messages when an attachment is moved out of Eudora's attachment folder. When an attachment is moved either by hand or by a filter, the OS loses track of it and Eudora is unable to draw a draggable icon in the message it was received with. Disk First Aid will also report a "missing file thread" error for an attachment that has been misplaced. Other than the error reported by Disk First Aid and the potential for broken links to attachments, we're not aware of any other ill-effects, nor of any need to worry about actually losing files.

Users running Mac OS 8.1 on a standard HFS plus partition can select an Attachments Folder on an HFS Plus partition from Eudora's settings to avoid the problem. However, the best solution is to download the Eudora 4.0.2 update from our web site."