Canvas 7.0.1 glitch with "Autoupdate.ini" file?

Canvas 7.0.1 glitch with "Autoupdate.ini" file?

CNET staff
2 min read
Regarding the Canvas 7.0.1 update (noted here recently), Bob Bleau writes: "I downloaded and installed the update, only to find later that a file had appeared in my Canvas Tools folder, "Autpdate.ini," and was 1.58 GB(!) in size. Other than the presence of this file, everything seemed to work fine. After deleting the file, I started Canvas and got an error message that said: "Updater has failed to load properly. Check your internet connections" (or something close to that). Reinstalling the updater eliminates the error message but reinstalls the same 1.5 GB file. Oddly, on a second machine, the updater installed the same or similar file, but it was only 4K." Bob contacted Deneba about this and they advised him that this was not a finalized version of the updater and that the final version, when released, will be announced on their web site. They recommended removing all updated files and reinstalling Canvas 7.0. We have not yet received other confirmation of this. However, we do note that this 7.0.1 update is still not listed on Deneba's Download web page. Further, the ftp site that lists the update now indicates that the file was modified on March 15, which is a week or so later than it was first posted. Update: Neeraj Jain replies: "Deneba is experimenting with autoupdate for Canvas 7 via the Internet. The idea seems to be that the users will be able to get incremental online updates (Deneba calls them builds) faster without having to wait for full release of an update. My understanding is that they are having some problems with the autoupdate feature as well as updates and have decided to 'consider' all the released updates to Canvas 7.0 as public betas."