<b>IR Remote command "freezes" certain Mac models?

<b>IR Remote command &quot;freezes&quot; certain Mac models?

CNET staff
2 min read
Geoffrey Fink describes a bizarre problem with the Power Mac 6500 (and possibly other Macs that have an IR receiver on the front of the machine). The symptom is that the Mac's response slows down shortly after startup to the point that, for all practical purposes, it appears that you have a system freeze. When this happens, pulling the plug is the only way to reliably restart the machine.

Geoffrey now believes he has the explanation (which I cannot confirm as yet). These Macs respond to any Sony TV-compatible IR commands. He found that "Holding down the power button on any Sony TV-compatible remote control for an extended period of time (for instance, holding it down long enough for the machine to turn both off then back on) to a 6500 would essentially disable the machine for weeks at a time. The cure? Simply shoot the Mac with another Sony command, and presto - the Mac unfreezes and returns to full functionality."

The work-around is to either 1) ensure you are careful when turning your machine off with a remote control! or, 2) launch the Apple Video Player, go to the Preferences dialog box, and enable "Disable Remote Control."

Update: Victor Nolton confirms this symptom and work-around. He notes that removing the logic board and hitting the reset button (as described in the manual) will also resurrect the Mac.

Update: Numerous other readers (including Andy Mitchell and Steve Klein) have now confirmed the problem. Most suggest putting a piece of black electrical tape over the IR port as a means of permanently preventing a return of the freeze.

Steve also notes that Apple TIL file #19283 states that, even with "Disable Remote Control" selected: "After shut down, the remote will still be able to power on the computer." Thus, this work-around will not necessarily succeed.