Be Your Own Mac OS X Troubleshooting Guru: The Basics�

Be Your Own Mac OS X Troubleshooting Guru: The Basics 

CNET staff

MacFixIt has published its first ever eBook, an introductory guide to the basics of troubleshooting Mac OS X. Dubbed "Be Your Own Mac OS X Troubleshooting Guru: The Basics," this 42-page guide is designed to introduce some techniques, routines and habits that have a pretty good track record for quashing the most common OS X problems.

The eBook was built to be as compact as possible, serving as both a linear read that can work to familiarize the tenets of Mac OS X troubleshooting and a readily accessible reference for where to start in your problem-solving endeavors.

"Be Your Own Mac OS X Troubleshooting Guru: The Basics" is available exclusively to MacFixIt Pro subscribers.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


  • "Be Your Own Mac OS X Troubleshooting Guru: The Basics"
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