BBEdit 5.0.1 "ftp" problem: a reply from Bare Bones

BBEdit 5.0.1 "ftp" problem: a reply from Bare Bones

CNET staff
2 min read
Regarding our posting last time about a problem with BBEdit's ftp feature, Rich Siegel (of Bare Bones Software) offers the following additional comments and clarifications:
When using the built-in "Save to FTP Server" command to save a local disk file to a remote FTP server, BBEdit makes a system call at the completion of the transfer. This system call is available only under Mac OS 8.5 and later; unfortunately, a bug exists in BBEdit 5.0.1 in which BBEdit does not correctly verify the existence of the system call before using it; the result is that immediately at the successful conclusion of a transfer, BBEdit will crash (or "quit unexpectedly"), -only- when running under a pre-8.5 system. (Put another way, everything works fine on Mac OS 8.5 and later.) The immediate workaround is to use a freestanding FTP client for the initial upload of a file; thereafter you should be able to use the built-in FTP tool without incident.

We are currently investigating scattered reports of random system crashes, freezes, and other aberrant behavior. Enough disparate users are reporting odd behavior that the chances of a coincidence are pretty low, but we don't have enough coherent information to go on just yet. We have not yet found a common element, and we do not at this time know what the cause is. What we -do- know is that the reported symptoms cut across different versions of the OS (some users are using Mac OS 8.1, others are using 8.5, or 8.5.1), and that the problem does -not- appear to be related to the use of the built-in FTP tool. In the meantime, any sort of speculation as to the cause of the problem, including any system compatibility issue, would be highly premature.

We have fixed the problem with the FTP tool internally, and are aggressively working at figuring out the underlying cause of the generalized instability that people have been reporting. As soon as we've done so, we'll fix it (assuming that it's our bug) and release an update with all deliberate speed; said update will be available at no charge to registered customers, as is our wont.