ATM 4.0 crash and invisible ATM files

ATM 4.0 crash and invisible ATM files

CNET staff
Marc Opperman was having problems with ATM 4.0 (the version found on the PageMaker 6.5 disk) crashing on startup. He removed all ATM files from his disk (so he thought) and reinstalled ATM. This did not fix the problem. Finally, he discovered an invisible file called ATM Temp.ATM in his Preferences folder. It was a font suitcase type of file of minimal size. He made the file visible and then deleted it. That fixed the problem!

By the way, when I checked for this (using DiskTop) on my hard drive, I also found a second file (with an older modification date) called ATM Temp.ATM1.

Update: From an Adobe Technote: "ATM Temp.ATM is an invisible, temporary file that ATM creates and locates in the Preferences folder in the System Folder. SuperATM and Acrobat use the ATM Temp.ATM file to store font substitution information. When the ATM Temp.ATM file is damaged, creating a new Preferences folder or deleting the ATM Temp.ATM file enables ATM to create a new ATM Temp.ATM file on startup."