Apple certification program coming; AppleOrder glitch (and changes coming)

Apple certification program coming; AppleOrder glitch (and changes coming)

CNET staff
Get Apple certified We received word from a couple of sources at Macworld Expo that Apple plans to open a service certification program to the public - probably before the end of January (but that could change). As we were told, it will cost $295 to get the material, which will include a CD of all the service ("take-apart") manuals and other documentation. For another $150, you can then take a test to get certified.

AppleOrder Speaking of service providers, we received this note the other day, regarding AppleOrder:

"AppleOrder 5.0, which service providers use to order parts from Apple, is not Y2K compliant. I was running reports a few days ago, and it would not let me do a report from December 1999 to January 2000, since it sees December as happening 'after' January. Also, it won't let me run reports from December 1st to 31st either - they are blank. A tech at Apple Service Provider Support told me to swap the clock back to '99, and they weren't fixing it - since AppleOrder is going to be web-based in just over a month."


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