Anarchie Pro 3.0 and MacBinary III problems

Anarchie Pro 3.0 and MacBinary III problems

CNET staff
2 min read
Anarchie Pro, MacBinary III and StuffIt Matt Meissner download a file with Anarchie Pro 3.0. He found that StuffIt Expander 4.5 could not decode it, but the new MacBinary III program succeeded. He adds: "MacBinary III is supposed to be fully backward compatible with previous formats, so it looks like StuffIt Expander is deviating from the MacBinary standards."
Update: Leonard Rosenthol (Chair, MacBinary III committee and former author of StuffIt Expander) writes that the situation with Expander, as described above, is not "technically accurate." While he declined to explain exactly what was inaccurate, he did add: "A group of us, including myself and Peter Lewis, are addressing the issue and when we have something to publicly announce, we will let you know."

Anarchie Pro, MacBinary III and AppleShare Michael Erb reports a related problem: "When attempting to ftp a text file, using Anarchie Pro, to a Macintosh server running AppleShare IP v.5.x (not sure if it happens with AppleShare IP v.6.x), the file is not decoded properly and ends up on the server as a MacBinary file." The problem does not occur with Anarchie 2.0.1. Michael contacted Peter Lewis (Anarchie's author) about this and Peter replied:

"Anarchie Pro 3 uploads a MacBinary 3 format file. Anarchie 2 uploads a MacBinary 2 format file. MacBinary 3 is suppose to be compatible with MacBinary 2, but it appears that AppleShare IP does not properly support MacBinary 2 and hence fails with MacBinary 3. This is a serious nuisance which I'm going to have to try to find a solution for."

[See previous item for more on Anarchie 3.0 issues.]