Adobe Photoshop CS: Fix for freeze during initialization

Adobe Photoshop CS: Fix for freeze during initialization

CNET staff

MacFixIt reader Brian Wilcox was one of the many readers experiencing routine, inexplicable freezes during the launch of Adobe Photoshop CS.

Brian now says he was discovered the cause (formatted text residing on the Mac OS X clipboard) and solution (copying non-formatted text, or blank space to the clipboard and re-launching Photoshop CS).

Brian writes:

"My Adobe Photoshop CS was intermittently getting stuck on initializing. It was a real pain as, like a lot of mac users, I use it constantly through the day. I even got desperate and annoyed enough to call adobe on the issue, where the adobe phone operator admitted she had gotten this call quite a bit since the release of cs. (I found message boards with mac and pc users complaining about it). I don't know about the windows fix but here is the mac issue:

"The problem, and solution, is the clipboard. Apparently if there is formatted text from a app like, in my case, Microsoft Entourage, Photoshop cs hangs on startup. Now if I get stuck, I simply force quit (thank God for OSX) and copy anything onto the clipboard to clear out the formatted text. Found all kinds of misinformation on message boards about the issue. Seems like there are many experiencing this with no idea why. Never talked with actual adobe tech support, discovered the solution in an obscure message board while on hold."

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


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