CNET UK podcast 460: Faulty hoverboards, iPhone 7 rumours and Adele tackles touts

We ask if you really need a headphone socket on your smartphone and find out which tech companies had the most to offer in 2015. It's all here, plus much more, on the UK's best tech podcast.

Luke Westaway Senior editor
Luke Westaway is a senior editor at CNET and writer/ presenter of Adventures in Tech, a thrilling gadget show produced in our London office. Luke's focus is on keeping you in the loop with a mix of video, features, expert opinion and analysis.
Luke Westaway

If iPhone headphones connected through the Lightning socket, would that really be so terrible?

Josh Miller/CNET

If Apple scrapped the decades-old 3.5mm headphone socket -- as recent rumours suggest it might -- would that really be so terrible? On this week's edition of the UK's best tech podcast, we debate the merits and disadvantages of shaking up the heady world of headphone ports.

But that's not all. Oh goodness, no. We've also got the week's hottest UK tech news, including dodgy hoverboards and Adele going toe-to-toe with online ticket resellers, the scourge of the concert-going music fan.

We're also chatting about Nokia's heart-stoppingly expensive virtual-reality camera. Finally we look back on the year and ask which tech companies have excelled in 2015, and who just wasn't pulling their weight. Luke and Andy sound off on Apple, Samsung, Microsoft and more, plus we hear what you lovely folk had to say.

Indeed, we're always hungry for your feedback, so pop your thoughts in the comments below or drop us a line at cnetukpodcast [at] cbsi.com. Oh, and if you've enjoyed the show, why not leave us a glowing review on iTunes? Hit play and enjoy.


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